White Magic Retreat
Excited that you're HERE and acting on your inspiration to choose yourself and your higher purpose!
White Magic is an experience exclusively for Light Leaders; those of us who are here leading with our LIGHT in the world.

As you know, White Magic is a rite of passage experience, beyond a retreat.
And so intention setting and a high-integrity container is everything here.

The following form is just for me to get a better idea of who you are, what your gifts are, and how I can best serve/support you to live at your highest excitement and potential.

May the rest of your day be magical and blessed!
Чтобы сохранить изменения, войдите в аккаунт Google. Подробнее…
Full Name *
Best email address? *
Passion/Profession/Career *
What inspired you to want to attend this retreat? *
What is your greatest super power? How would you describe your gifts? *
How committed are you to your purpose? *
What do you perceive as your next-level? Where would you most love to expand with your gifts and purpose? *
Are you interested in the Resonance or Divinity package? *
Is there anything else that you would LOVE for me to know about you? *
Who were you referred by? (If anybody)
If we move forward to a video call together, and we both feel a high resonance around working together, I will be asking for a deposit of at least $1000 at the end of the call towards your retreat package choice.  Are you excited and willing to do so by investing in your Higher Self? *
Thank you for taking a moment to answer this questionnaire honestly! I appreciate you, honour you, and look forward to reviewing your application.  You will hear back from me in 24-48hrs!  Lots of love!
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