Assessment of Kubernetes error solutions proposed by an AI model (Part 3)
Hello, the purpose of this form is to evaluate solutions to errors that may arise in the Kubernetes world. Specifically, the solution to each error has been provided by an artificial intelligence model. I will not mention the name of the AI model to avoid influencing the responses. The prompt used as input for the AI model is as follows:

"""You are a helpful assistant that helps Software Developers and DevOps Engineers to solve
issues relating to Kubernetes clusters. You are concrete, clear and explain in detail how
to fix the error. Use clear formatting, such as bullet points, for easy readability.
Please describe what the Kubernetes error {question} means, giving succinct examples
of common causes. Provide any possible solutions including any troubleshooting steps
that can be performed, give a real world example of a situation that can cause the alert
can occur. Clearly seperate sections for Error Name, Description, Real World Example,
Common Causes, Troubleshooting Steps and Possible Solutions.
Finally, provide additional resources and insights that the user can consult via web links

Helpful Answer:"""

In the prompt, "{error}" represents each of the errors in the following questions. So, for each
subsequent question, the description will include the error and the error solution provided by
the AI model. For each question, answer as you think the solution was provided."
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For information purposes, please enter your name
BackOff   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   Back-off restarting failed container

Error solution:
Error Back-Off: This issue occurs when there is too much load on the system or resource allocation has not been optimized properly. In this case, the error message indicates that the Kubernetes cluster was unable to handle the increased workload due to insufficient capacity. To resolve this problem, you need to optimize the infrastructure by increasing the CPU usage limits, memory limits, and network bandwidth limits. Additionally, you should consider upgrading the hardware components used in the system to ensure optimal performance.

Restart Failed Container/Pod: When the Kubernets cluster restarts a crashed container or pod, it may take longer time before it starts running again. Restarting containers ensures that all necessary data is transferred from the previous state to the new state, thus preventing data loss during the crash recovery process. However, if the restarted container takes too long to start up, it might result in downtime while waiting for it to become available. Therefore, optimizing the startup times of containers through configuration tuning and code optimization techniques is essential to prevent unnecessary delays.

Real World Example: A scenario involving multiple domains hosted on Amazon Elastic Load Balancer involves adding two separate domains with their own unique SSL certificates using Amazon Route 53 record sets. If these records were added without proper planning and attention to security best practices, they would pose potential risks to users' sensitive information stored within them. By following established procedures and guidelines, organizations can avoid compromising their online presence's safety and reliability.
Failed   pod/test-pod   Error: ErrImagePull

Error solution:
Failed Error: ErrImagePull refers to an issue with pulling images from Docker Hub or other container registries during deployment. This usually occurs when there's connectivity problems between the client machine running the application and the registry servers. Here are some potential causes and solutions for this issue:

Common Causes:
- Network latency - Slow internet connection speeds can lead to failed image pulls due to timeouts waiting for responses from the registry servers.
- Firewall settings blocking access to the registry servers - Some firewalls may block outbound requests to certain ports used by Docker Registry, causing the failure to pull images. To resolve this, try temporarily disabling firewall rules related to Docker Registry until the problem goes away.
- DNS resolution errors - Incorrect DNS records can prevent clients from connecting to the registry servers, resulting in failed image pulls. Ensure all necessary DNS entries point correctly to the correct IP addresses associated with the Docker Registry.
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check network connectivity using ping commands to ensure both machines involved in the deployment process can communicate with each other. If not, investigate further into why this might be happening.
- Verify that Docker Registry is accessible at the specified URL (<>). Try accessing the registry directly through a browser to verify that everything looks normal.
- Disable any unnecessary security software installed on either machine before attempting to deploy again.
Possible Solutions:
- Increase timeout values for HTTP/HTTPS requests made by Docker Registry to avoid hitting resource limits imposed by these protocols. For instance, set `--tlsverify=false` and increase the `http_proxy` configuration value in `kubelet.conf`.
- Update DNS records pointing to the new domain name(s) hosted within the cluster.

Failed   pod/test-pod   Error: ImagePullBackOff

Error solution:
"FailedError" - This error indicates that there was an issue during image pull-back from Docker Hub or Amazon ECR. It's caused when trying to retrieve an image from either source but encountering an HTTP 403 Forbidden response code.

Common Causes:

* Network connectivity issues between the client machine running the container and the repository containing the image.
* Insufficient permissions granted to access the repository.
* Firewall blocking communication between the client and the repository.
* Incorrect credentials used while authenticating with the repository.

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Check network connectivity between the client machine and the repository using ping command. If not successful, try accessing the repository URL directly from browser.
2. Verify firewall settings allowing communication between the client machine and the repository.
3. Ensure correct username and password credentials being used while authenticating with the repository.
4. Try pulling the image again after waiting for few minutes.
5. Restart both machines involved in the process.

Failed   pod/test-pod   Failed to pull image "ngi": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed

Error solution:
Sure! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up multiple domains with separate SSL certificates using Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB):

Step 1: Create two new Amazon Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs). Each ELB will host a single domain name. For example, `elb1` and `elb2`.
$ aws elbv2 create \
--load-balancer-arn $(aws ec2 get-load-balancer --region us-west-2 | jq -r '.LoadBalancerArn' | base64)"\
--name elb1"
And then repeat the command twice again to create `elb2`:
$ aws elbv2 create \
--load-balancer-arn $(aws ec2 get-load-balancer --region us-west-2 | jq -r '.LoadBalancerArn' | base64)"\
--name elb2"
After creating both ELBs, make sure they're running at least once before attempting to configure them further.

Step 2: Configure each ELB to listen on specific ports. This ensures that requests from clients connect to the correct instance behind the load balancer. In our case, we'll assume there are no other instances listening on 8080 and 8443, so we'll leave those ports empty. We'll specify port 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
$ aws elbv2 register-target \
--listener '{"Listener":{"Protocol":"HTTP","Port":80,"InstanceProtocol":"http"},'elb1','0x12345678901234567890abcdef',true}'
$ aws elbv2 register-target \
--listener '{"Listener":{"Protocol":"HTTPS","Port":443,"InstanceProtocol":"https"},'elb1','0x12345678901234567890abcdef',true}'
$ aws elbv2 register-target \
--listener '{"Listener":{"Protocol":"HTTP","Port":80,"InstanceProtocol":"http"},'elb2','0x9876543211234657890abcdef',false}'
$ aws elbv2 register-target \
--listener '{"Listener":{"Protocol":"HTTPS","Port":8443,"InstanceProtocol":"https"},'elb2','0x9876543211234657890abcdef',false}'
Note that these commands should be run separately for each ELB. After registering all targets, verify that each target has been properly registered by checking their ARNs in the AWS Management Console.

Step 3: Assign a unique SSL certificate to each ELB. If you don't want to purchase a third party SSL certificate, you can generate self-signed certificates yourself using OpenSSL. These certificates will allow you to secure your domains without paying for commercial SSL certificates. However, keep in mind that self-signed certificates might result in slower connection times compared to paid SSL certificates due to increased latency caused by encryption overhead.

To generate a self-signed SSL certificate, follow these steps:

* Generate a private key file: `openssl genkey -out mydomain.key 2048 > /dev/null`
* Export the public key into PEM format: `openssl x509 -publish -in mydomain.crt > /dev/null`
* Copy the exported public key to the desired location within the Docker container.

Once you've generated the necessary files, update the configuration settings of each ELB to include the appropriate SSL certificate(s), IP address ranges, subnets, security groups, and routes. Make note of the relevant details when configuring each ELB.

Finally, test the setup thoroughly across all nodes involved in the cluster to ensure everything works correctly.

FailedDraining node/    Failed to drain node, 7 pods are waiting to be evicted

Error solution: 
Error Message: "FailedDraining node/" - This error message indicates that there was a problem with draining nodes from the cluster. In other words, Kubernetes failed to remove certain pods or containers from their respective nodes due to various reasons. Some common causes include network connectivity problems between nodes, resource constraints on nodes, or misconfigurations within the pod itself. Here's a brief explanation of each possibility along with potential solutions and troubleshooting steps:

Common Cause #1: Network Connectivity Issues Between Nodes
This issue occurs when two nodes cannot communicate properly over the network. It may happen due to firewall rules blocking communication, incorrect DNS settings, or even hardware failures. To resolve this issue, ensure that all necessary firewalls allow traffic between the affected nodes, check DNS records for correct IP addresses, and verify network configurations.

Real World Example: A developer accidentally deploys new code onto production servers without updating their DNS records, causing them to fail to connect to each other. They try restarting the machines but encounter errors related to networking. By checking DNS records and verifying network configurations, they were able to successfully reconnect their nodes.

Troubleshooting Steps: Check DNS records for correct IP addresses, verify network configurations, disable unnecessary firewalls, perform packet capture analysis using tools like Wireshark, monitor system logs for relevant messages, and consider rolling back changes made during development cycles.

Possible Solution: Update DNS records and configure proper network configurations to avoid future occurrences of this error.
SystemOOM node/   System OOM encountered, victim process: java, pid: 4471

Error solution:

"System OOM" refers to Out Of Memory (OOM), which occurs when there isn't enough memory available for running applications or processes. In this case, the system has run out of memory and crashed due to insufficient RAM allocated to Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This issue may arise due to various reasons such as high CPU usage, large heap size allocation, inefficient garbage collection algorithm, etc. Here's a brief explanation of each factor causing the problem:

Common Causes:

* High CPU Usage - If multiple applications or services consume significant amount of CPU time, JVM might not get sufficient time to perform other tasks leading to reduced performance.
* Large Heap Size Allocation - When allocating too much memory to Java application, it becomes difficult to manage resource utilization efficiently. As a result, JVM starts consuming excessive amounts of memory, eventually crashing with an OOM exception.
* Inefficient Garbage Collection Algorithm - Some garbage collectors don't handle certain types of objects effectively, resulting in fragmentation and increased memory consumption over time.
Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Check the Application Log Files - Look into logs generated by the affected application(s) to identify specific errors related to memory management. Identify the root cause of the issue based on these log files.
+ For instance, if the application frequently allocates large heaps, check whether the heap size limit was exceeded during runtime.
2. Monitor Resource Utilization - Analyze CPU, memory, and disk usage using tools like htop or VisualVM to detect potential bottlenecks. Ensure that the required resources are being utilized appropriately.
3. Tune Up Garbage Collector Settings - Experiment with different GC settings (e.g., G1 collector, Eden space, Survivor space, etc.) to see their impact on memory usage. Adjust them accordingly until the desired balance between efficiency and stability is achieved.
4. Reduce Object Creation Rates - Minimize object creation rates within the application to reduce memory footprint. Consider refactoring code to remove unnecessary data structures or methods.
5. Increase Available Memory Limit - Set higher limits for the maximum heap size allocated to Java application to prevent OOM exceptions from occurring. However, ensure that the increase does not exceed physical memory capacity.

InvalidDiskCapacity   node/   invalid capacity 0 on image filesystem

Error solution:
Error Message: "Invalid disk capacity" - This warning indicates that there may not be enough storage space available on the specified volume or partition to store data required by the application running on the host system. In other words, the operating system cannot allocate sufficient memory to run the software properly.

Common Causes:

* Insufficient free space on hard drive or SSD
* Corrupted files causing insufficient space allocation
* Running out of physical RAM during heavy load times
* Improperly configured file systems with limited space allocated

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Check the size of the current working directory and compare it to the total amount of available space on the device. If necessary, delete unnecessary files from the directory.
2. Verify the maximum allowed limit for each resource used by the application, such as CPU usage, memory, and network bandwidth. Ensure these limits are set correctly.
3. Increase the amount of available space on the device by adding external drives or using cloud services to increase storage capacity.
4. Upgrade the hardware components, particularly the processor and memory, to improve performance and reduce strain on the system's resources.
5. Consider upgrading the OS version to ensure compatibility with newer applications and features.

Possible Solutions:
* Increase the size of the storage volume allocated to each container instance
* Move the affected containers to other instances within the cluster to free up space

Error: FailedToCreateEndpoint   endpoints/test-endpoint   Failed to create endpoint for service test-namespace/test-endpoint: endpoints "test-endpoint" already exists

Error solution:
FailedToCreateEndpoint - This error occurs when trying to create or update an existing Endpoint resource within the cluster's API Server. It indicates that there was an issue with creating or updating the specified Endpoint at the given location. In other words, the client tried to access an endpoint that does not exist anymore. There are several reasons why this may happen, but here are some common causes and their respective solutions:

Common Causes:
* Incorrect Resource Names
+ If you're using namespaces instead of services, make sure they match exactly between the two environments. For instance, `my-service` should correspond to both `apiVersion=v1beta3` and `kind=MyService`.
* Misconfigured Service Ports
+ Make sure all ports used by your Services are correctly configured in the ServicePort section of the Deployment YAML file. Check if the values match those defined in the LoadBalancer configuration.
* Network Interfaces Not Attached To A Cluster
+ Ensure that the network interface attached to each node has been properly connected to the correct subnets. Also check whether the nodes' IP addresses are associated with the correct VPC.
Real World Examples:
* When deploying multiple domains from the same domain name, ensure that DNS records point to the correct load balancers.
* When adding new features to an application, make sure to deploy them incrementally so that changes don't break everything at once.
Troubleshooting Steps:
* Check all the services and pods involved in the endpoint creation process to ensure they're not conflicting with each other.
Possible Solutions:
* Try restarting the affected pod(s).

FailedMount pod/domain1-pod1   MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "rcu-credentials-volume" : secret "domain1-rcu-credentials" not found

Error solution:
Error Message:

FailedMount pod/domain1-pod1 MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "rcu-credentials-volume" : secret "domain1-rcu-credentials" not found

The error message indicates that there was an issue mounting a volume with the name "rcu-credentials-volume". This may happen due to various reasons, but here are some common causes along with their respective solutions:

Common Causes:

* Incorrect mount path or incorrect file system type specified during volume creation.
+ Solution: Check the configuration files used to create the volume and ensure they match the actual requirements.
* Insufficient permissions granted to access the mounted directory.
+ Solution: Ensure that the necessary security groups allow appropriate access to the mounted directory.
* Invalid credentials provided while accessing the mounted directory.
+ Solution: Double-check the credentials being used when accessing the mounted directory and verify them against the expected values.
* Corrupted data stored in the mounted directory causing authentication errors.
+ Solution: Verify whether all required data has been transferred successfully from the host machine to the container and vice versa. If so, try deleting the corrupted data from the mounted directory before attempting again.

Real World Example:
A developer accidentally mounts a sensitive database into a Docker container without providing proper authorization. As a result, unauthorized users gain access to the database through the exposed ports. To prevent similar incidents, developers should follow best practices for securing containers using encryption, password protection, and restricted network access.

FailedMount   pod/test-pod   Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[rcu-credentials-volume], unattached volumes=[create-cm-volume sample-domain-storage-volume infra-credentials-volume rcu-credentials-volume kube-api-access-v4pgx]: timed out waiting for the condition

Error solution:  
"FailedMount" occurs when there's no access to a volume due to mounting being failed. In other words, the container cannot find the specified storage location for the data required to complete the task at hand. This issue may arise due to various reasons such as incorrect path, permission denied errors, etc. Here are some potential causes and their corresponding solutions:


* Incorrect file paths: Check whether the correct file paths are used while specifying the storage location for the data. If not, try changing them accordingly. For instance, instead of using `volumes:[kubernetes_persistent_disk]`, try using `volumes:[my_data_volume]`.
* Permission denied errors: Ensure that all necessary permissions are granted to the application running inside the container to write to the specified storage location.
* Disk full errors: Check whether enough disk space remains available to store the desired amount of data. Try freeing up some unused space before attempting to increase the size of the persistent volume claim.

Troubleshooting steps:

* Verify the configuration files: Double-check the configuration files related to the persistent volume claims and ensure they're correctly set up with appropriate values.
* Increase resource limits: Adjusting the resource limits might help resolve the issue. However, make sure to test thoroughly after making changes.
* Monitor system logs: Look into the system log files to see if there are any relevant entries indicating why the volume mounting process has been unsuccessful.

Possible Solution:
* Grant necessary permissions to the relevant team members
* update firewalls to allow communication between pods
* increase resource limits for containers
* modify Docker daemon configuration files to enable logging, etc.

Consult official documentation or seek assistance from experienced developers.

NodeNotReady   node/    Node status is now: NodeNotReady

Error solution: 
Error message: "Node not ready" indicates that there was an issue with starting up or restarting a specific component within a containerized application running on Kubernetes nodes. In this case, the error occurred when trying to start a pod associated with a service named "myapp". This error may indicate various reasons for failure, but here are some potential causes and their corresponding solutions:

Common causes:

* Network connectivity issues between pods or containers
* Resource constraints causing delays during startup or shutdown processes
* Misconfigurations related to resource allocation or limits
* Incorrectly set environment variables affecting the behavior of services

Troubleshooting steps:

1. Check network connectivity between pods using kubectl get pods -n mynamespace command. Verify all pods are connected and able to communicate with each other.
2. Increase resource limits for individual pods or services based on system requirements. For example, increase memory limit for a particular pod from 256Mi to 512Mi.
3. Review configuration files for services and adjust settings accordingly. Ensure correct values for ports, volumes, labels, etc., match those specified in deployment manifest file(s).
4. Restart affected components manually after making changes to them. Run kubectl delete pod --graceful-termination followed by kubectl recreate pod --restart=Never option to force manual restarts.
5. Consider scaling down unnecessary workloads before attempting to scale up new ones. Reduce capacity utilization by deleting unwanted pods or terminating unused services.
Failed   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   Failed to pull image "your-image-name": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for your-image-name not found

Error solution: 
Error Message:
Failed to pull image "your-image-name" with the following reason(s):
manifest for your-image-name not found

This error occurs when Docker cannot find the necessary images required to run applications or services within a container. In other words, it's unable to download the specified image due to missing dependencies. This issue might arise when trying to access external APIs or databases through containers.

Common Causes:
There could be several reasons why this error may happen, such as network connectivity problems, incorrect DNS resolution, invalid credentials, insufficient disk space, or outdated software versions. Here are a few potential causes worth investigating:

* Network Connectivity Issues: If there are no internet connection available inside the container, then the application will fail to fetch data from external sources. To resolve this problem, ensure that all components involved - i.e., the host machine, the container, and the cloud provider - have proper networking configurations.
* Incorrect Credentials: Ensure that the correct username and password are being used while authenticating against the remote API endpoint. It's essential to verify these details before attempting to perform any actions related to accessing external systems.
* Disk Space Limitation: Check whether enough storage has been allocated to store the downloaded files during runtime. Additionally, consider increasing the amount of memory allocated to the container instance to accommodate larger packages.
* Outdated Software Versions: Upgrade your system to the latest version whenever new features or bug fixes become available. Otherwise, check whether the software package installed inside the container requires specific updates or patches that haven't yet arrived.

Troubleshooting Steps:
Here are a few troubleshooting steps that can help identify the root cause of the issue:

1. Verify Network Connection: Try running the command `docker exec` followed by `curl http://localhost/` inside the container to see if there's a successful HTTP request made. Similarly, try connecting to the database using MySQL client inside the container.
2. Enable Debugging Mode: Set the environment variable `DOCKER_OPTS="--debug=true --logtofile=/var/lib/docker/containers/container\_id/.dockercfg"`. Then restart the container and look for logs generated under /var/lib/docker/containers/container\_id/.dockercfg.
3. Increase Memory Limit: Edit the configuration file `/etc/sysctl.conf` and increase the kernel parameter `memory_limit_max=XXXM`, where XXX represents the desired maximum limit value in megabytes. Save the changes and reboot the system for them to take effect.
4. Restart Container Instance: Stop the current container instance and start a fresh one.
5. Update Dependencies: Run `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade` inside the container to install any pending upgrades and patch levels.
FailedScheduling   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims

Error solution: 
Error Message: "Unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims"
Description: This error occurs when there are too many persistent volume claims being created at once, causing the system to run out of available storage space. It may indicate that multiple pods or containers need access to shared volumes but haven’t been properly bound together with appropriate resource limits.
Common Causes:
- Inadequate resource allocation during container creation
- Insufficient capacity of underlying storage systems
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check the number of active pods/containers running on the cluster
- Verify the resource requirements needed by each pod/container
Possible Solutions:
- Increase the resource limits allocated to each pod/container
- Adjust the resource demands based on the specific workload needs
Additional Resources & Insight:
- [Kubernetes Best Practices]( Tips for managing large clusters efficiently
- [How To Manage Elastic Load Balancing With Amazon Web Services](
Forbidden   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   User "user" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope

Error solution: 
Error Message:
User "user" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" at the cluster scope. This indicates that there may be an issue with accessing or managing pods within a specific namespace. Here are some potential causes and solutions for this type of error:

Common Causes:
- Incorrect permissions or access rights assigned to users/groups within the namespace
- Misconfigured pod security policies preventing certain types of containers from running inside pods
- Network connectivity issues between nodes in the cluster causing communication problems when trying to manage pods
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check the logs for relevant errors related to pod management
- Verify that all necessary dependencies required for pod creation and maintenance are installed correctly
- Ensure proper networking configurations across nodes in the cluster
Possible Solutions:
- Adjusting permission settings for users/groups involved in pod management
- Reviewing pod security policy configuration to ensure appropriate restrictions are applied
- Checking network connectivity among nodes to resolve communication problems
Failed   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   container has runAsNonRoot and image will run as root

Error solution: 
Error: container has runAsNonRoot and image will run as root - This error occurs when there's no explicit permission granted to a non-root user inside a Docker container running under privileged mode. In other words, the container runs with full access rights but without the ability to execute certain commands or perform actions outside their scope. Here are some common causes and potential solutions:

Common Causes:

* Container misconfiguration
+ For instance, specifying `--privileged` flag while creating the container may lead to unexpected behavior due to lack of proper permissions.
+ Overriding security settings during runtime using environment variables or command line options might result in similar errors.
* Image corruption/incompatibility
+ Incorrectly configured images, incompatible versions of software packages, etc., can all contribute to this issue.
+ Updating or downgrading dependencies within the image can help resolve these conflicts.
* Insufficient privileges
+ Running containers with insufficient privileges can leave them vulnerable to various attacks, including privilege escalation vulnerabilities.
+ Ensure sufficient privileges are assigned to the container before starting it.

Possible Solutions:

* Check container configuration and ensure correct values are set for required parameters such as memory limits, CPU usage restrictions, network policies, storage volumes, etc.
* Verify that the image being used is compatible with the operating system version specified in the deployment manifest.
* If necessary, update or downgrade dependent components based on compatibility requirements.
* Assign appropriate privileges to the container through YAML files or inline scripts.
InvalidPort   svc/my-service   Service "my-service" is invalid: spec.ports[0].targetPort: Invalid value: 808: provided port is not in the valid range. The range of valid ports is 1-65535.

Error solution: 
* **Error name**: `Invalid value`
+ This indicates that there was something wrong with the configuration or values used when creating the service. In this case, it's likely due to using an incorrect target port number.
+ A correct solution would involve checking the current settings and ensuring they match those specified during creation. If necessary, updating the configuration file(s).
* **Description**: `provided port is not in the valid range`.
+ It appears that the target port number being passed into the container specification does not fall within the allowed range. Typically, the range should be between 1-65535. However, it may depend on specific requirements or constraints set forth by the system administrator.
* **Common causes**:
+ Incorrectly specifying the target port number
+ Using incompatible versions of software components involved in the process
+ Improper network configurations
* **Troubleshooting steps**:
+ Verify all relevant information about the target port number, including documentation or support from vendor/system administrators
+ Ensure compatibility between software components and their respective dependencies
+ Review network configurations carefully
OutOfDisk   node/   Out of disk space

Error solution: 
"NodeOutOfDisk" - This error occurs when there isn't enough storage space available on a node's disk drive to store all the necessary files required to run the application or service. In other words, the system has reached its maximum capacity limit. It usually indicates insufficient memory allocated to a particular process running on the machine. To resolve this issue, the following steps may help:

Common Causes:
- Insufficient RAM allocation to a specific process
- Limited storage space on the hard drive
- Overloading the CPU with too many processes running at once
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check the resource usage on each individual container within the cluster to identify which ones might be consuming excessive amounts of resources
- Increase the amount of memory allocated to containers using `kubectl edit pod` command
- Consider upgrading the hardware components, adding more storage devices, etc., depending upon the nature of the problem
Possible Solutions:
- Upgrade the hardware components
- Add more storage devices
- Optimize the codebase to reduce unnecessary processing requirements

FailedMount   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-xxxxx" : mount command failed

Error solution: 
Error Message:
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-xxxxx": mount command failed
Common Causes:
The issue may arise due to incorrect syntax or configuration settings related to mounting volumes within the cluster. Here's an explanation with practical solutions based on a real-world scenario:
Real-World Example: Let's say we're using Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to host multiple domains across our infrastructure. We've got two domains - and Each domain has their own subdomain under them - and respectively. To avoid downtime during DNS propagation, we want both sites to point to the same physical servers. However, when trying to set up the virtual machine instances behind these servers, we run into errors related to mounting volumes. This happens because each instance requires a unique storage device, but there isn't enough space available to store all three domains' data at once. So, we need to find ways to optimize our architecture while keeping everything running smoothly.
Troubleshooting Steps:
Here are some troubleshooting steps that might help resolve the issue:

1. Check Storage Capacity: Ensure that the total amount of storage capacity allocated to the entire system is sufficient for storing all three domains' data simultaneously. If not, consider increasing the storage limits accordingly.

Possible Solution: Increase Storage Limits

Explanation: By increasing the storage limits, we'll allocate more space to the system, allowing us to accommodate all three domains without any disruptions.

Example: In order to increase the storage limit from 500 GB to 1000 GB, follow these steps:
* Log in to the AWS Management Console.
* Navigate to the Systems section.
* Click on Modify Auto Scaling Group.
* Select the appropriate scaling group associated with your application.
* Under the Launch Configuration tab, select Advanced options > Edit button.
* Add a new key called 'Storage'. Set the value to '1000'. Save the changes.
3. Monitor Disk Usage: Keep track of disk usage over time to identify potential bottlenecks. Run the following commands to monitor disk usage:
df -h /dev/mapper/*
du -sh /*
This will show you the current disk usage statistics for various partitions on your system. Look out for any excessive amounts of free space being used by certain directories or files. Address those areas promptly.
4. Optimize Network Traffic: Consider optimizing network bandwidth utilization between nodes to reduce latency and improve performance. Tune the TCP buffer sizes and adjust the number of worker threads assigned to specific tasks.
5. Upgrade Hardware Speeds: Investing in faster hardware components, such as SSD drives, can significantly boost overall system speed. Upgrading memory and CPU speeds should result in improved load times and reduced response times.
Unhealthy   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404

Error solution: Error message: "Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404" indicates that there was an issue with the health check endpoint specified in the Kubernetes configuration file. This usually happens when the URL provided in the livenessProbe field does not exist or returns a non-200 response code. Here's an explanation of each component involved in creating a successful Kubernetes cluster setup, along with potential errors that may arise during deployment.

Kubernetes Deployment YAML File: A YAML file used to define the desired state of the application after deployment has completed successfully. It contains information about pods, services, deployments, and other components required to run the application. In case of failure, the deployment process will roll back changes made before the error occurred.

Common Errors:

* Invalid pod definition - An invalid pod definition results from incorrect syntax or missing fields. For instance, specifying multiple containers within a single pod instead of separate ones.
* Misconfigured resource limits - Resource limits set incorrectly limit the amount of CPU, memory, and storage available to the container running the application. These settings should match those defined in the Pod spec.
* Unreachable service - If the service cannot reach all nodes in the cluster due to network connectivity issues, Kubernetes will mark them as unavailable. To resolve this problem, ensure that all necessary ports are open between nodes and the DNS record resolves correctly.
* Container startup failures - When starting up containers, Kubernetes checks their readiness using probes. However, if these probes fail, Kubernetes will terminate the containers causing downtime. Ensure that all necessary dependencies are installed and configured properly.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Check the logs: Check the logs generated by the containers to identify any specific errors related to the deployment process.
Verify the deployment manifest: Verify that the deployment manifest matches the actual state of the environment. Any discrepancies indicate misconfigurations.
Ensure all required certificates are present: Make sure all necessary certificates are present at both ends of the connection. Missing certificates lead to security vulnerabilities.

Possible Solutions:
- Increase the timeout value for liveness probes to allow enough time for responses to arrive. However, keep in mind that increasing the timeout too much might result in unnecessary downtime while monitoring systems.
- Configure ingress controllers to handle multiple TLS certificates properly.
FailedScheduling   pod/crashpod-64b874bbbc-zkp69   0/3 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate, 2 node(s) didn't match node selector.

Error solution: 
"Kubernetes cluster not responding" - This indicates that there may be several reasons why the Kubernetes cluster is experiencing slow or unresponsive behavior. Here are some potential causes and their corresponding solutions:

- Overloaded system with insufficient memory or CPU power
* Increase resource limits using `kubectl edit configmap` command followed by `kubectl get configmap`. Then set appropriate values based on your requirements. For example, increase `--memory=4Gi`, `--cpu=8`.
- Inefficient network configuration
* Check the kubelet logs for errors related to networking configurations. Run `journalctl -u kubelet.service --tail`. Look for lines containing `Error getting IP address from DNS name`. Fixing these errors should improve performance.
- Misconfigured pods
* Check the status of all pods running within the affected namespace. If they're stuck at pending state, investigate further.
- Resource contention between pods
* Analyze the number of active requests per pod. Ensure each pod has enough capacity allocated to them.
- Network congestion caused by misconfigured routes
* Verify the routing table associated with the affected service. Make sure no unnecessary routes exist.

Troubleshooting Steps:
- Monitor the CPU usage during peak load times. Identify spikes in CPU usage and adjust resource limits accordingly.
- Review the container image specifications used by the affected pods. Adjust images if necessary.
- Enable logging for the affected services and check the log files for any relevant information.
FailedScheduling   pod/k8sgpt-deployment-6b8f68cb49-s97b9   no nodes available to schedule pods

Error solution: Failed scheduling refers to when Kubernetes cannot find enough nodes or hosts to run the desired number of replicas of a deployment. This usually occurs due to various reasons such as insufficient resource availability, network connectivity issues, misconfigurations, etc. In simple terms, it's not able to allocate required resources to the application at hand. Here are some common causes and their respective solutions along with a real world scenario:

Common Causes:
* Insufficient Resource Availability: When there aren’t enough resources allocated to the cluster, Kubernetes may fail to start new pods. To resolve this issue, ensure that all necessary resources are properly configured within the environment. For instance, check CPU usage, memory limits, disk space, and other relevant metrics.
* Network Connectivity Issues: If Kubernetes fails to communicate with the underlying cloud provider, it might experience downtime. Check whether the connection between the two systems remains stable throughout the day. Additionally, verify firewall rules and DNS settings.
* Misconfigurations: Ensure that all configurations related to Kubernetes are correctly set up. Verify that the correct version of Kubernetes is installed, and all dependencies are resolved. Also, make sure that the configuration files match those used during development.
Real World Scenario:
Let's say we're building a microservice architecture using Docker containers. We deploy our app on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). However, GCP has limited capacity compared to Amazon Web Services (AWS), so we need to optimize our infrastructure accordingly. As part of this process, we decide to move from a single node to multiple nodes across regions. Now, let's assume that we want to scale horizontally by adding more instances to handle increased load. Unfortunately, Kubernetes does not support horizontal scaling beyond a certain limit; hence, we hit a brick wall.
Error Message: "FailedScheduling" - No Nodes Available to Schedule Pods

Troubleshooting Steps:
* Check the system logs for any errors related to failed scheduling attempts.
* Verify that all required resources are properly provisioned and accessible from the affected nodes.
* Ensure that network connectivity between nodes is stable and reliable.
* Review the configuration settings for load balancing mechanisms, such as HAProxy or NGINX.
* Try increasing the number of replicas per pod to see if that resolves the issue.

The error message indicates that Kubernetes was unable to launch new pods due to lack of suitable host machines. There were 0 nodes available to schedule pods. Some potential causes include:
* Limited Capacity: Too few nodes running Kubernetes in total. Try increasing the number of nodes until the error goes away.
* Overloaded Cluster: A large number of existing pods competing for resources, causing them to slow down or even crash. Consider reducing the number of pods before attempting to increase capacity again.
* Node Failure: One or more nodes went offline while trying to launch new pods. Reinstall affected nodes or try restarting them to see if they become available again.
InstanceSpotInterrupted   node/   Node event: A spot interruption warning was triggered for the node

Error solution: 
Instance Spot Interruption Warning - What Does It Mean And How To Fix It

The Kubernetes error "InstanceSpotInterrupted" indicates that there has been an issue with the instance's availability zone or region causing the cluster to experience intermittent connectivity problems. This often occurs due to network congestion or latency caused by other services running on the same infrastructure. Here's what the error message looks like when it appears in the Kubernetes logs:
kubelet[nodeset].node.status | grep instance\_spot\_interruptions
In this case, the solution involves checking whether the nodes affected by the interruptions were actually down during those intervals, and then restoring them from backup before continuing with further updates. If the problem persists after backing up the data, consider upgrading the hardware components involved in the service.
NodeTerminatingOnInterruption   node/   Node event: Interruption triggered termination for the node

Error solution: 
Error Message: "NodeTerminatingOnInterruption" - This error occurs when there's interruption during the execution of a container or pod, causing it to terminate abruptly before completing all tasks assigned to it. It usually indicates a problem with the underlying infrastructure, network connectivity, or resource constraints.

Common Causes:

* Network interruptions caused due to high latency, packet loss, firewall restrictions, DNS resolution failures, etc.
* Resource limitations, such as CPU usage, memory limits, disk space, storage capacity, bandwidth, etc., leading to insufficient system resources to handle incoming requests from clients.
* Hardware failure, power outage, unexpected software updates, security patches, operating system upgrades, etc., affecting the availability and reliability of the application running inside containers.

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Check the logs: Look into the logs generated by the affected pods and containers to identify any errors or warnings related to the issue. Analyze them carefully to find clues about the root cause of the problem.
2. Increase resources: If necessary, increase the available resources allocated to the nodes, especially those responsible for managing the containers' lifecycle. For instance, increasing the number of CPUs, RAM, or storage devices may help alleviate performance bottlenecks.
3. Optimize configurations: Review the configuration files used by the applications deployed across the cluster to ensure they're optimized for efficient handling of large volumes of data. Adjust settings accordingly based on the specific requirements of each workload.
4. Implement load balancing strategies: Ensure proper load balancing techniques are implemented between multiple instances of the same service, ensuring even distribution of traffic among servers. Consider using tools like NGINX or HAProxy to improve caching and reduce response times further.
5. Upgrade hardware components: Replace aging hardware components with newer ones whenever feasible, considering their age and expected lifespan. Replacing hard drives with SSDs, upgrading processors, and adding more RAM will significantly boost overall system performance.
6. Monitor network conditions: Regularly monitor network conditions to detect potential problems early enough to prevent outages or delays. Run regular network health checks to check for anomalies and resolve them promptly.
WorkflowFailed   workflow/wf-instance-01h8p4wggr1v1df2eehprw5tk4   child 'wf-instance-01h8p4wggr1v1df2eehprw5tk4-3027614565 failed

Error solution: 
Error Message: "WorkflowFailed"
Description: This error occurs when there is a problem with the execution of the workflow instance during deployment or update. It may indicate that the container was not able to start properly due to various reasons such as insufficient memory, network connectivity issues, etc. In most cases, the issue might be resolved after performing troubleshooting steps mentioned below. However, if the problem persists, consulting relevant documentation or seeking help from experts would be beneficial.

Real World Example: A developer working on a complex project encounters an unexpected error while running his code. He tries several methods but none seem to resolve the issue. After researching online, he discovers that upgrading the dependencies might solve the problem. By following the troubleshooting steps provided in the article, he successfully resolves the issue without losing much time.

Common Causes:

* Insufficient memory allocated to the application causing slow performance or crashes
* Network connectivity problems between containers preventing communication among them
* Incorrect configuration settings leading to errors in executing tasks
* Outdated software versions causing compatibility issues

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Check system logs for any related errors or warnings
2. Increase resource allocation to ensure sufficient memory and CPU usage
3. Verify network connectivity between containers using tools such as `curl` command
4. Update all required packages and libraries according to their latest version
5. Disable unnecessary services and plugins
6. Restart the affected service(s) before deploying changes
7. Try redeploying the updated workflow again
WorkflowNodeFailed   workflow/wf-instance-01h8p4wggr1v1df2eehprw5tk4   Failed node wf-instance-01h8p4wggr1v1df2eehprw5tk4[0].blueprint-main: Error (exit code 64): failed to find name in PATH: exec: "this-command-does-not-exist": executable file not found in $PATH

Error solution: 
Error Name: WorkflowNodeFailed
Workflow Instance ID: wf-instance-01h8p4wggr1v1df2eehprw5tk4

Description: A failure occurred during execution of the workflow instance 'wf-instance-01h8p4wggr1v1df2eehprw5tk4' due to a missing executable file. Specifically, the error message states that the system was unable to locate the 'executable file'.

Real World Example: Imagine running a software application but the installation files were corrupted or inaccessible. Without access to the necessary executables, the application would fail to function properly. Similarly, without certain commands being present within the terminal, executing specific tasks may become difficult or impossible.

Common Causes: There are several reasons why this error might arise, including:

* Incorrectly installed dependencies or libraries
* Missing environment variables needed for the command to run correctly
* Insufficient permissions to access critical files or directories

Troubleshooting Steps: To resolve this issue, try these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check for updates: Ensure all packages and applications are up-to-date with their latest versions. If outdated software is causing conflicts, updating them should help.
2. Reinstall dependencies: Sometimes, installing new dependencies can resolve compatibility problems between existing ones. Try reinstalling any relevant programs before attempting to run the affected workflow again.
3. Verify paths: Make sure the correct path is set for the missing executable file. Double check the spelling and ensure the file exists in the expected location.
4. Restart the machine: Rebooting the machine will often restore lost configurations and resolve configuration errors caused by incomplete installations.
5. Run the command manually: Instead of relying solely on the automated process, attempt running the command directly from the terminal using the full path to the executable file. For example, `./path_to_file` instead of `this-command-does-not-exist`.
6. Consult documentation: Look for online guides or forums dedicated to resolving similar issues related to the specific software or platform involved. These resources can offer valuable tips and best practices for troubleshooting.
NodeHasSufficientMemory   node/   Node status is now: NodeHasSufficientMemory

Error solution: 
Error Message: "Node has insufficient memory"

Description: This error message indicates that there may not be enough available memory on a particular machine or instance running Kubernetes. It's important to investigate why this might happen and take appropriate action to address the issue. Here are some potential causes and solutions:

Common Causes:

* Running out of memory due to large container images being used in applications deployed with Docker Compose. In this case, consider optimizing application configurations and containers to reduce their size.
* Insufficient RAM allocated to nodes within the cluster. Ensure that all necessary resources are properly configured and allocated according to best practices.
* Outdated software versions causing performance degradation. Upgrade relevant packages and dependencies to ensure optimal system functionality.

Troubleshooting Steps:

* Check resource usage across all instances in the cluster using tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Datadog. Identify areas of high consumption and optimize accordingly.
* Monitor CPU and memory utilization during periods when errors occur frequently. If spikes coincide with specific events, adjust configuration settings or code changes to mitigate the impact.
* Increase the amount of memory allocated to each worker node by adjusting the `--memory` flag while starting up the pods. For example, setting `--memory=4Gi`, `--cpu=4`, and `--nodePort=30000`.
* Consider upgrading hardware components like GPUs or SSDs to improve overall performance.

Possible Solutions:

* Optimize image sizes and container configurations to minimize resource requirements.
* Adjusting pod resource limits based on expected workload patterns.
* Upgrading hardware components to enhance overall computing power.

EvictionThresholdMet   node/   attempting to reclaim memory

Error solution: 
The error "EvictionThresholdMet" occurs when there is not enough free memory available to run containers or pods within a pod's container runtime environment. This can happen due to various reasons such as running out of disk space, insufficient CPU usage, or limited network bandwidth. In general, eviction thresholds help prevent excessive resource consumption by evicting unused processes from nodes based on certain criteria such as age, load, or size. However, sometimes these policies may lead to unexpected behavior resulting in errors.

Common causes of the error include:

* Running too many containers with large image sizes causing high memory usage.
* Insufficient CPU usage leading to slow performance and increased memory usage.
* Limited network bandwidth preventing efficient communication between containers and their host systems.

Possible solutions include:

* Increasing the amount of RAM allocated to each container to reduce memory usage.
* Optimizing application code to consume less memory and improve overall system efficiency.
* Upgrading hardware components such as CPUs, GPUs, or SSDs to increase processing power and speed up tasks.
* Using tools such as Docker Compose or Kubernetes rolling updates to manage container deployments and update configurations dynamically without requiring manual intervention.

FailedScheduling   pod/pod-test   0/247 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had untolerated taint { lifecycle: Graviton2OnDemand}, 1 node(s) had untolerated taint {lifecycle: NLB-AaaS}, 16 node(s) had untolerated taint {lifecycle: Ec2WLS}, 2 Insufficient cpu, 2 node(s) had untolerated taint { }, 2 node(s) had untolerated taint { }, 211 node(s) didn't match Pod's node affinity/selector, 4 node(s) had untolerated taint { true}, 8 Insufficient memory. preemption: 0/247 nodes are available: 10 No preemption victims found for incoming pod, 237 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling

Error solution: 
Error Message: "FailedScheduling pod/pod-test"
Description: This error occurs when there are insufficient CPU or memory resources available to schedule pods onto nodes within the cluster. In other words, the system cannot allocate enough resources to run the required number of containers at once.
Real World Example: A developer has set up multiple domains with their own websites hosted on Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). They want to host two new sites on separate domains but need to ensure they don’t interfere with each other while serving traffic from the same domain name. However, due to resource constraints, the system is unable to allocate sufficient resources to launch these new sites simultaneously. As a result, both sites may experience slow page loading times or even fail altogether.
Common Causes: Resource limitations caused by inadequate hardware specifications or software configurations. Lack of proper scaling policies applied during deployment. Overloading the system with too many requests or exceeding capacity limits.
Troubleshooting Steps: Check the current CPU and memory usage levels across all nodes in the cluster. Increase the allocated resources for each affected container instance. Ensure that appropriate load balancing rules are configured correctly. Monitor the application logs for any errors related to resource allocation. Consider using auto-scaling groups to automatically adjust the number of instances based on demand.
FailedCreate   replicaset/anagtrader-c87bf67    (combined from similar events): Error creating: pods "anagtrader-c87bf67-vkqfg" is forbidden: exceeded quota: glin-it0019604-dev-cpu-mem-quota, requested: limits.cpu=100m, used: limits.cpu=450m, limited: limits.cpu=450m

Error solution:
Error Message:
FailedCreate pod "anagtrader-c87bf67-vkqfg": failed to start container with id "docker://sha256:e9d0f5b4c8cd6ca7e3d91722d117852bff08e77f7d9b0907f7ba30f12c49f18", status code="Exited", exit reason="Exited too early for Docker daemon to complete startup".
Common Causes:
The most likely cause of this error message is that there was not enough available memory or CPU capacity during the creation process of the pod. This may happen due to various factors such as insufficient resource allocation during cluster initialization, exceeding resource quotas set by the system administrator, running out of disk space while storing data, etc.

Troubleshooting Steps:
Here are some troubleshooting steps that can help resolve this issue:

* Check whether the required resources were allocated correctly when starting up the node. Ensure that all necessary configurations related to the pod's resources are present.
* Verify whether there are any conflicting processes running on the host machine causing excessive usage of resources. Try stopping unnecessary services or applications before attempting to create the pod again.
* Increase the resource limits specified in the `limits.conf` file on each worker node to allow sufficient resources for the pod creation process. For example, increase the `limit_memory` value to allocate more memory to the Pod.
* If none of these steps resolves the problem, try restarting the nodes involved in the pod creation process or even the entire cluster.

Possible Solution:
To address the above mentioned problems, follow the below steps:

1. Update the `limits.conf` file on each worker node with appropriate values for `limit_memory`. In our case, we need to update the limit\_memory value to at least 4GB.
2. Restart the affected workers and check whether the pod creation process runs successfully without errors.
3. Once successful, verify whether the pod has been created properly using the following command: `kubectl get pods -n kube-system`.
FailedGetResourceMetric   horizontalpodautoscaler/test-ingressgateway   failed to get cpu utilization: did not receive metrics for any ready pods

Error solution: 
Error Name: FailedGetResourceMetric
Description: This error occurs when Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) fails to retrieve resource metric values from the underlying API Server or Controller Manager service. It indicates that there may be an issue with communication between HPA components.
Real World Example: A developer has set up an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to distribute incoming requests across multiple instances of their application running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). However, they notice that certain users consistently experience errors related to resource metrics being unavailable. They suspect that there might be a problem with the HPA component responsible for managing these metrics. To resolve the issue, the developer investigates further and discovers that the HPA was unable to communicate with the API Server due to network latency. By optimizing their infrastructure configuration and ensuring reliable internet connectivity, they were able to restore normal performance levels.
Common Causes:
FailedGetResourceMetric alerts typically indicate problems with communication between various HPA components, particularly those involved in managing CPU usage. Some potential causes include:

* Network congestion or intermittent connectivity issues within the cluster
* Inadequate capacity provisioned for the workload
* Insufficient memory allocated to the nodes supporting the load balancer
* Incorrectly configured health checks used by the load balancer
Troubleshooting Steps:
To address this issue, follow these troubleshooting steps:

1. Check system logs for any relevant messages indicating communication failures between HPA components. Look for patterns indicative of specific types of errors, such as "connection refused" or "no response".
2. Verify that all necessary dependencies required by the HPA are installed correctly and functioning properly. For instance, check that the API Server and Controller Manager services are both available and accessible over the specified ports.
3. Ensure that appropriate security protocols are enabled throughout the entire stack, including firewalls, VPNs, and TLS certificates.
4. Consider increasing the timeout period for HPA's internal heartbeat mechanism, allowing for longer periods during which timeouts will trigger.
5. If necessary, adjust the number of replicas assigned to each target group to ensure sufficient capacity remains available even under heavy loads.
Unhealthy   pod/test-ingressgateway-69886b686d-2gvvr   Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503

Error solution: 
Error: Unhealthy pod/test-ingressgateway-69886b686d-2gvvr - Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with status code: 503
Description: This error indicates that there was no response from the container within the specified timeout period. There may be several reasons why this happens, but here are some common causes and their corresponding solutions:

Common Causes:

* Network connectivity issue between pods or containers running inside the ingress controller's node. In this case, ensure that all necessary ports are open and accessible.
+ Check firewall rules to make sure they allow incoming requests through the required ports.
* Resource constraints on the host machine causing slow responses from the nodes. Ensure that enough memory, CPU, and disk space are available to handle the workload.
+ Increase resource limits for each service using `kubectl edit svc` command. For example, increase memory limit to 2GB by adding "memory": "2048Mi" under spec section.
* Incorrect configuration settings leading to misconfigured services or routes. Double-check the YAML files used to define these configurations.
+ Review the logs generated by kubelet and apiserver processes to identify errors related to incorrect routing or service definitions.

Possible Solutions:

* Restart the affected pods or containers. If restarting does not resolve the problem, try deleting and recreating them manually before redeploying changes.
+ Run `kubectl delete pod test-ingressgateway-69886b686d-2gvvr && kubectl create pod test-ingressgateway-69886b686d-2gvvr --image=nginx:alpine`.
* Update the ingress controller software version to match the latest stable release. Reinstall the ingress controller along with any updates made during maintenance periods.
+ Run `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install nginx-ingress-controller`.
* Upgrade the underlying infrastructure components, such as DNS servers or load balancers, to improve performance. Consider upgrading to newer versions of cloud providers' offerings when feasible.
FailedMount   pod/test-pod   MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-fsv6k" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition

Error solution: 
Error: FailedMount
Description: A container has failed during mounting due to timeout while syncing configuration map cache. This may indicate a slow or unresponsive storage system causing delays when trying to mount volumes into containers.
Real World Example: Slow or unreliable internet connection causing delay in accessing files from cloud storage service.
Common Causes: Slow or inconsistent network speeds, limited bandwidth capacity, high latency caused by heavy load on servers or networks, insufficient disk space allocated to Docker containers.
Troubleshooting Steps: Check network connectivity between nodes running the affected application(s), check CPU usage and memory utilization on all nodes involved with the workload, optimize resource allocation settings within the affected applications and services, increase available RAM on each node, monitor disk space usage across all nodes, consider upgrading hardware components such as SSD drives, RAID arrays, or solid state disks.
Possible Solutions: Increase the amount of data being transferred through the network, reduce the number of concurrent requests made to external APIs, implement caching mechanisms to improve performance, configure DNS resolvers to prioritize low latency responses over others, adjust firewall rules to allow specific ports used by the affected software packages, ensure adequate backups and disaster recovery plans in place.
BackoffLimitExceeded   job/job-test   Job has reached the specified backoff limit'

Error solution:
BackoffLimitExceeded - This error occurs when the number of retries exceeds the maximum allowed value set by the system administrator or service provider. In other words, the client sends too many requests within a certain time period before receiving a response from the server, causing the server to delay sending further responses until enough time passes without new requests being sent.

Common Causes:

* Long polling request with no timeout set.
+ If there's no timeout set, the server will keep waiting indefinitely for data even after all available data has been received. As a result, the connection remains open and subsequent requests may fail due to lack of response.
* Slow network latency between client and server.
+ When clients send multiple requests at once, they need to wait for each response individually. Latency increases over time, making it harder for servers to respond quickly.
* Client using large amounts of bandwidth or memory.
+ Large files or databases require significant bandwidth and memory, slowing down overall performance.
* Server overload caused by heavy load.
+ Servers under high loads often experience errors or delays, leading to increased instances of the BackoffLimitExceeded error.
FailedComputeMetricsReplicas   horizontalpodautoscaler/istio-ingressgateway   invalid metrics (1 invalid out of 1), first error is: failed to get cpu utilization: did not receive metrics for any ready pods

Error solution: 
Error Message: "FailedComputeMetricsReplicas" horizontalpodautoscaler/istio-ingressgateway "nvalid metrics (1 invalid out of 1)"
Common Causes:
* Insufficient CPU or memory capacity available on the node running the pod
* Incorrect configuration settings causing the pod's resource requirements to exceed limits set by the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Check HPA logs for errors related to insufficient CPU or memory usage
+ Run `kubectl logs -n hpa` command to view the log output from the HPA container
+ Look for lines containing the string'resource limit exceeded'
2. Verify that the correct values are being used when setting up the HPA rules
+ Open the YAML file defining the HPA rule using a text editor
+ Search for the line that sets the number of replicas for the ingress gateway service
+ Ensure the value matches the desired number of replicas
3. Increase the amount of CPU or memory allocated to the node running the pod
4. Adjust other relevant configurations, such as increasing the maximum allowed CPU usage rate or adjusting the minimum required free disk space
Unhealthy   pod/test2-ingressgateway-5bc58fc666-bmmw5   Liveness probe failed: cat: can’t open ‘/tmp/healthy’: No such file or directory

Error solution: 

This error occurs when there's no healthy node available in the cluster. It indicates that either the pod has crashed or terminated unexpectedly due to various reasons. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

Common Causes:
- Node failure
- Pod crash
- Network connectivity problems between nodes
Troubleshooting Steps:
- Check logs for any errors related to the application running on the affected pods
- Verify network connectivity between all nodes involved in the deployment
Possible Solutions:
- Increase resource allocation to ensure sufficient capacity for the workload
- Ensure proper scaling of containers based on their requirements
- Optimize container images and configurations to reduce unnecessary overhead

ProvisioningFailed   persistentvolumeclaim/my-service-efs "efs-sc" not found

Error solution: 
Error Message:
ProvisioningFailed: unable to get provisioner info for volume [provisionerName]: the connection timed out; timeout expired
The error message indicates that there was a problem with the provisioning process when creating or updating a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). This issue may arise due to various reasons such as incorrect resource names, insufficient permissions, network connectivity problems, etc. In order to resolve this issue, follow these steps:

Common Causes:

* Incorrect Resource Names: Ensure that all resource names used in the PVC creation request match exactly with those defined in the cluster's YAML file. For instance, if the PVC uses a name 'example-pvc', then make sure that the corresponding YAML file has a definition for 'name' field with value 'example-pvc'.
* Insufficient Permissions: Check whether sufficient privileges were granted to the user who created the PVC. If necessary, grant appropriate permission levels using kubectl edit -n namespace_name command.
* Network Connectivity Issues: Verify that the host machine running the application is able to access the internet through a stable and reliable network connection.

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Restart the Pod: Try restarting the pod containing the PVC after making changes to the PVC configuration.
2. Delete the PVC: Attempt deleting the PVC from the cluster before attempting to recreate it again.
3. Update the PVC Configuration File: Make certain that the PVC configuration file contains correct values for all required fields. Also ensure that no typos exist while entering the data into the configuration file.
4. Check Cluster Events Log: Look at the events logs generated by the Kubernetes controller manager to identify any errors related to PVC provisioning.
5. Verify DNS Records: Double-check the DNS records associated with both domains hosted under the same Elastic Load Balancer to verify their accuracy.
DNSConfigForming   pod/kube-proxy-qwb7m   Nameserver limits were exceeded, some nameservers have been omitted, the applied nameserver line is:

Error solution: 
DNSConfigFormingError - This error occurs when there is too much data being processed at once or the system cannot handle all the requests coming from clients simultaneously. It may happen due to various reasons such as insufficient memory, high CPU usage, network congestion, etc. Here are some common causes and their respective solutions along with troubleshootable steps and real-world examples:


* Insufficient memory available on the machine running the CoreDNS service. To resolve this issue, increase the amount of RAM allocated to the machine or upgrade to a higher version of CoreDNS that supports larger instances.
* High CPU usage caused by multiple client applications trying to access the CoreDNS service concurrently. In this case, try optimizing the code used by each application to reduce unnecessary processing time. Alternatively, consider using load balancers to distribute incoming traffic across multiple machines.
* Network congestion causing delays in sending responses back to clients. Check whether other services running on the same host are consuming excessive bandwidth or slowing down response times. Consider upgrading the hardware components responsible for handling network communication between devices.

Troubleshootable steps:

1. Monitor resource utilization during peak loads to identify performance bottlenecks.
+ Run `top` command in terminal to see current resource usage.
+ Identify processes taking up significant amounts of CPU, memory, disk space, or network bandwidth.
+ Tune these processes accordingly to optimize their behavior.
2. Increase the number of worker threads in CoreDNS configuration files.
+ Open the CoreDNS configuration file located at `etc/k8s/coreos/configmap/coreos.conf`.
+ Search for "worker_threads" parameter under [options] section.
+ Set the value to 2 or 4 depending on the desired level of parallelism. For example, set `worker_threads=4` to run four worker threads in parallel.
3. Upgrade the operating system kernel to support better networking features.
+ Consult the official documentation for compatible versions of Linux distributions.

Unhealthy   pod/coredns-776f9979d6-lnbmz   Readiness probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

Error solution: 
Unhealthy pod/coredns-776f9979d6-lnbmz indicates that there was an issue with the readiness probe of the coredns container running inside the Pod. This failure occurred when trying to access the URL from the host machine at IP address According to the logs provided, the reason behind this failure seems to be a network connectivity problem between the container and the specified endpoint. Here's a detailed explanation of each section mentioned above:

Error name: Unhealthy pod/coredns-776f9979d6-lnbmz
Description: An unhealthy pod or service has been detected due to various reasons, but none of them seem to be related to the core DNS functionality. However, it may still affect other services depending upon their dependencies. In this case, it might not directly impact the overall performance of the cluster.
Real World Example: Imagine a scenario where two pods fail simultaneously, causing both services dependent on those pods to become unavailable. Without proper monitoring and maintenance, this incident would go unnoticed until significant downtime occurs. It highlights the importance of having robust health checks implemented throughout the system.
Common Causes: There could be several factors leading to the occurrence of this alert, such as misconfigured endpoints, incorrect TLS certificates, outdated software versions, etc. These errors often arise due to human mistakes during configuration setup. To avoid these alerts, ensure all components follow best practices and regularly update packages according to vendor recommendations.
Troubleshooting Steps: A few potential solutions include checking firewall rules, verifying network configurations, ensuring correct DNS settings, updating software, testing backups, and performing regular updates. Additionally, implementing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes can help identify and resolve issues early.
Possible Solutions:
* Verify network connectivity between containers using tools like telnet or ping. If no response is received, investigate further.
* Check firewalls and security groups to ensure they're properly configured. Ensure ports required for communication within the application are open.
* Verify DNS records and make sure they match the domain names used in the applications. Update DNS accordingly.
* Ensure all software components are up to date and compatible with each other. Regularly perform patching and upgrades.

FailedScheduling  pod/pod-test  0/180 nodes are available: 180 persistentvolumeclaim "test-pvc" not found. preemption: 0/180 nodes are available: 180 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.

Error solution: 
Error Message:
FailedScheduling: WARNING: Unable to find node(s): [node1]
Preemptible Container Runtime Specified but no pod was scheduled due to insufficient resource availability.
This warning indicates that there may be insufficient capacity or resources available within the cluster to schedule pods at desired intervals. This can happen when running out of CPU, memory, disk space, etc. In this case, the issue might be related to the number of containers being created and run simultaneously. To resolve this, consider optimizing container images and reducing the number of concurrent tasks. Another solution would be to increase the amount of resources allocated to the system, either through scaling up existing services or provisioning new ones with higher limits.
DomainProcessingFailed   domain/test-domain   Failed to complete processing domain resource test-domain due to: createPod in namespace test-namespace: pods "test-domain-i1wsheartbeat2" is forbidden: exceeded quota: test-cpu-mem-quota, requested: limits.cpu=2, used: limits.cpu=4200m, limited: limits.cpu=6, the processing will be retried if needed

Error solution: 
Error Message: DomainProcessingFailed - Domain / test-domain failed to process domain resource test-domain due to: createPod in namespace test-namespace: pods "test-domain-i1wsheartbeat2" is forbidden: exceeded quota: test-cpu-mem-quota, requested: limits.cpu=2, used: limits.cpu=4200m, limited: limits.cpu=6
This error message indicates that there was an issue with creating a pod within a specific namespace called 'test-namespace' when trying to access the domain '/test-domain'. This caused the system to exceed certain quotas or limitations related to CPU usage and memory allocation. To resolve this issue, try the following troubleshooting steps:

* Check if there were any recent changes made to the cluster's configuration or settings that may have affected the ability to create new pods. If so, revert those changes back to their previous state.
* Verify that all necessary permissions and privileges are granted to the account running the application. Ensure that the correct roles and policies are set up correctly.
* Increase the available CPU and memory resources allocated to the container instances in the cluster to allow them to handle increased load without exceeding the specified quotas.
* Consider using a separate node pool or instance type specifically designed for high availability and scalability purposes. These types of nodes often offer higher performance levels and better fault tolerance capabilities compared to standard compute instances.
FailedCreate   daemonset/falco   Error creating: pods "falco-" is forbidden: PodSecurityPolicy: unable to admit pod: [spec.volumes[1]: Invalid value: "hostPath": hostPath volumes are not allowed to be used spec.initContainers[0].securityContext.privileged: Invalid value: true: Privileged containers are not allowed spec.containers[0].securityContext.privileged: Invalid value: true: Privileged containers are not allowed]

Error solution: 
Error message: `FailedCreate DaemonSet/falco` - This error occurs when trying to create a new daemon set or deployment with the specified name 'falco-'. It's likely due to conflicting names between existing deployments or services. Here are some potential causes and solutions:

Common causes:
* Conflicting service names within the cluster
* Incompatible versions of Kubernetes components
* Namespace collisions
* Resource constraints

Troubleshooting steps:
* Check all relevant logs and metrics for errors related to conflicts or resource limitations
* Verify that there aren't any other instances running with similar names or labels
* Try deleting the affected pods and redeploying them again
* Increase the number of replicas per deployment to reduce namespace collision risk
* Upgrade or downgrade Kubernetes components to ensure compatibility across environments
FailedInflightCheck   Node/   Expected 90G of resource ephemeral-storage, but found 63950828Ki (72.8 percentage of expected)

Error solution: 
Error Message: "FailedInflightCheck" - This indicates that there was an issue with the Ingress controller's ability to perform the requested action due to insufficient capacity or other constraints. It may indicate that the target pod failed before reaching the desired number of replicas, causing the controller to stop trying new pods until it reaches the limit again.

Common Causes:
* High CPU usage during deployment process
* Insufficient memory available for container creation
* Network connectivity issues between nodes
* Resource contention among multiple containers running simultaneously

Troubleshooting Steps:
* Check node logs for errors related to high CPU usage or network connectivity problems
* Increase the amount of memory allocated to each container using the `--memory` flag when creating them
* Reduce the load on the system by optimizing application code and reducing unnecessary data processing
* Consider upgrading hardware components, especially CPUs, RAM, and storage devices, to improve performance
MissingClusterDNS   node/ubuntu-k8s   kubelet does not have ClusterDNS IP configured and cannot create Pod using "ClusterFirst" policy. Falling back to "Default" policy.

Error solution: 
Error Message:
MissingClusterDNS   node/ubuntu-k8s   kubelet does not have ClusterDNS IP configured and cannot create Pod using "ClusterFirst" policy. Falling back to "Default" policy.
Common Causes:
* Inadequate DNS configuration or misconfiguration of DNS records in the cluster's domain name system (CIDR). This may result in pods being unable to communicate with each other due to incorrect hostnames.
* Incorrectly formatted pod labels causing conflicts between pods trying to access shared resources. For example, two pods sharing the same namespace but having conflicting namespaces.
* Misconfigured network policies preventing pods from communicating over their designated ports.

Real World Examples:
Example A: An application running inside a container has been assigned a non-existent hostname resulting in communication failures between containers within the same pod. Solution: Ensure all containers share the same hostname and update DNS records accordingly.
Example B: Two pods were created with the same label values leading to conflict when accessing shared resources. Solution: Update pod labels before creating new ones ensuring unique values.

Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check DNS records for all domains involved
+ Ensure they point correctly to the correct servers
2. Verify network connectivity between nodes
3. Disable firewalls temporarily to see if there's a firewall issue
4. Test with a simple pod creation before attempting multiple domain deployments
5. Consult relevant documentation or seek help from experienced colleagues
VolumeMismatch  persistentvolumeclaim/my-pvc   Cannot bind to requested volume "test-pv": incompatible accessMode

Error solution: 
Error Message: `VolumeMismatch` - This error occurs when there is no available storage space left in a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). In other words, the PVC has reached its limit or capacity and cannot accommodate any new data being added to it. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

* Check the current size of the PVC using the following command: `kubectl get pv`. Make sure the PV does not exceed the limits set for each tier. If necessary, delete existing PVs from the cluster before creating a new one with larger capacity.
kubectl delete pv my-pv --name test-pv
* Create a new PVC with a higher capacity using the following command: `kubectl create pv my-new-pv --size=10Gi --fsType="gp2" --block--size=2048 --format="jsonpath='{range.items[0].capacity}{@item} / 256'",type=file`,where 10G represents the desired size of the PVC in GB. For example, if you want to increase the size of the PVC to 20GB, change the value to 20.
kubectl create pv my-new-pv --size=20 --fsType="gp2" --block--size=2048 --format="jsonpath='{range.items[0].capacity}{@item} / 256',type=file"
After creating the new PVC, update the PVC definition file (usually named `persistentvolume.spec`) to include the updated capacity information. Here's an example of how to modify the spec file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
    app: my-app
  accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ] # Optional: Specify the mode(s) under which the claim should run
      storage: 5Gi
#... rest of the pod template...
This will ensure that the new PVC matches the specified capacity requirements while maintaining compatibility with older versions of Kubernetes.
FailedBinding  persistentvolumeclaim/my-pvc   volume "test-pv" already bound to a different claim

Error solution: 
Error: Failed binding persistentvolumeclaim/my-pvc volume "test-pv" already bound to a different claim
Description: This error occurs when there is a conflict between two claims attempting to bind to the same resource at the same time. In other words, both parties want access to the same storage device or container but they cannot coexist without causing conflicts.
Real World Example: Imagine two friends trying to share their favorite snacks with each other. They both want to take home the bag of chips from the party, but they don't realize that someone else has taken them before leaving. Both friends end up feeling frustrated and disappointed.
Common Causes:
* Two applications running simultaneously using the same storage device or container
* A misconfigured network setup preventing communication between the conflicting systems
Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check the logs for any errors related to the failed binding event
2. Verify that all necessary dependencies are installed correctly
3. Ensure that the correct version of Kubernetes is being used
4. Try restarting the affected services
5. Consider increasing the capacity of the storage device or container
FailedCreatePodSandBox   pod/test-pod   Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to reserve sandbox name "xxx-api-69dfff4bc4-f992c_elderberry_59e6a42b-6fa0-483c-9e1c-60815b31304a_0": name "xxx-api-69dfff4bc4-f992c_elderberry_59e6a42b-6fa0-483c-9e1c-60815b31304a_0" is reserved for "702bb268ff345dff9561735c9846c17206b112007912e5073da0f1cff4eacd79"

Error solution: 
Error Name: FailedCreatePodSandbox
Description: Failed to create pod sandbox
Real World Example: Unable to start container due to insufficient memory
Common Causes: Insufficient system resources or resource contention between containers
Troubleshooting Steps: Increase RAM allocation for the affected container(s), optimize resource usage across all containers running on the cluster
MissingClusterDNS   pod/mmfa-openldap-6cb9546c48-tqztb   pod: "mmfa-openldap-6cb9546c48-tqztb_default(0371fe1d-c7f5-42f1-b0a8-245a43fca1d9)". kubelet does not have ClusterDNS IP configured and cannot create Pod using "ClusterFirst" policy. Falling back to "Default" policy.

Error solution: 
* **Error Name**: MissingClusterDNS
* **Description**: Kubelet does not have a Cluster DNS IP configured, preventing creation of pods with the "ClusterFirst" policy. Fallback to "Default" policy.
+ This error occurs when there's no DNS record set up for the cluster domain name or subdomain. It may happen due to incorrect DNS settings or missing DNS records.
+ To resolve this issue, ensure that the correct DNS records are created for both domains. If they're already present, check if the nameservers match between them.
+ Additionally, make sure that the DNS servers used by the nodes running the affected pods support TLS encryption. Otherwise, the pods will fail to start.
* **Real World Example**: A developer creates a new project but forgets to specify the DNS hostname for their API endpoint. They deploy the application without realizing until later that they need to update the DNS records to point to the new URL. Without resolving the DNS issue, accessing the API would result in a 404 Not Found error.
* **Common Causes**:
+ Incorrect DNS configuration
+ Misconfigured DNS records
+ Network connectivity issues
+ Firewall rules blocking access to external DNS services
* **Troubleshooting Steps**:
+ Check the DNS configurations on all nodes involved in creating pods with the "ClusterFirst" policy. Ensure that the correct DNS records exist for each domain.
+ Verify that the DNS servers being used by the nodes supporting these pods support TLS encryption.
+ Restarting the affected pods should help restore network connectivity temporarily before making further changes to DNS settings.
FailedAttachVolume   pod/keycloak-postgresql-0   AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-01365c76-d2b0-4dcf-8afa-9057736fc9f6" : PersistentVolume "pvc-01365c76-d2b0-4dcf-8afa-9057736fc9f6" is marked for deletion

Error solution: 
The error message indicates that there was an issue attaching the persistent volume claim ("PVC") associated with keycloak-postgresql-0 to the host machine's storage device. This usually occurs when trying to attach a PVC after deleting or marking it for deletion due to insufficient space available. In other words, the system ran out of disk space while attempting to allocate new data onto the PVC. Here are some potential causes and solutions related to this error:
* Insufficient free disk space on the host machine: If the system runs low on disk space, it may not be able to accommodate allocating new data into the PVC. To resolve this, consider freeing up some unused space from previous installations or applications running on the host machine.
* Memory usage exceeding limits set by the operating system: Some systems impose memory limits based on their hardware specifications. Overloading the system beyond these limits can lead to errors similar to the one described here. Check the operating system documentation to determine whether such limits exist and adjust accordingly.
* Incorrect configuration settings: Ensure that the PVC size and capacity values match those specified during installation. Make sure that the PVC has enough space allocated before attempting to attach it again.

* Increase the amount of available disk space on the host machine: Consider adding extra hard drives or partitions to increase the total storage capacity. Alternatively, compress files or delete unnecessary items to reduce overall storage requirements.
* Adjust memory limits: Consult the operating system documentation or seek assistance from technical support personnel to modify memory limits according to specific needs.
* Backup important data regularly: Regularly backing up essential data stored within the PVC ensures that critical information remains accessible even in case of future failures.
FileSystemResizeFailed   Pod/ide-abfc2f4b-35a0-47e6-968d-b3fbf613ed09-7984f7fbf9-j26f8    MountVolume.NodeExpandVolume failed for volume "artifacts-bespoke" requested read-only file system

Error solution: 
Error Message:
The error message indicates that there was an issue with resizing the filesystem due to insufficient space available. This can happen when trying to resize a partition or container's storage capacity during runtime. Here are some potential causes and solutions for this problem:
Common Causes:
* Insufficient disk space - If the operating system does not allow enough free space for the new size, then the operation will fail. Check the amount of available space on all disks involved in the operation.
* Incompatible software versions - Make sure both the host machine and the target device support the required version of the software being used for resizing. For instance, if using Gparted Live CD, make sure the ISO image matches the version supported by the host OS.
* Hardware limitations - Some devices may limit the maximum size of partitions they can handle, so check hardware specifications before attempting to resize them further.

Troubleshooting Steps:
Check the following items:
* Disk usage statistics - Look at disk usage reports from various tools, such as df command or System Monitor app, to see whether there are any large files taking up too much space.
* Free space left after previous operations - Run du -sh /path/to/directory | sort -hrnk > output.txt to find out how much free space remains after deleting old data. Compare the result against desired size.
* Virtual memory settings - Verify virtual memory limits set in BIOS configuration or run vmstat command to monitor current usage levels. Adjust values accordingly.

Possible Solutions:
* Try freeing up some unused space by removing unnecessary files or containers
* Consider shrinking existing volumes instead of creating new ones
* Upgrade older software to newer versions compatible with larger sizes.
Failed   pod/nginz-nhionh-1245-12   Error: configmap person-service-config not found

Error solution: 
Error Message: "Failed   pod/nginz-nhionh-1245-12   Error: configmap person-service-config not found"
Description: This error message indicates that there was an issue while trying to access or modify the configuration map named 'person-service-config' within the specified container(pod). It seems that the service failed to start due to missing dependencies related to the ConfigMap.

Common Causes:
* Missing required services: If the necessary services were not provided during deployment, then the application may fail to run properly. In this case, checking logs and debugging the code would help identify the root cause of the failure.
* Incorrect resource names: Ensure that all the resource names used throughout the system match exactly with their respective values. For instance, ensure that the correct namespace name and label selector matches with the actual ones present in the cluster.
* Unauthorized access: Check whether the user has sufficient permissions to perform certain actions. Also, verify that the credentials being used are valid and authorized to execute those specific tasks.
* Network connectivity issues: Verify that network connectivity between pods and nodes is working fine. Additionally, check if there are any firewalls blocking communication between containers running inside different pods.

Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check the log files: Look at the logs generated from both sides - client and server. They might contain useful clues about what went wrong.
2. Debugging the code: Once the problem occurs, try to debug the code using tools like `kubectl` command line tool or IDE. Try to reproduce the issue step-by-step and see where things go awry.
3. Restarting the affected pods: Sometimes restarting the pods can resolve the issue temporarily. However, it's important to investigate further before making permanent changes.
4. Checking node health status: Make sure that the node is healthy enough to host the pods without any interruptions. Otherwise, consider upgrading the hardware components to improve performance.
5. Upgrading kubelet version: Upgrade the kubelet version to latest available version to avoid compatibility issues.
6. Using Node Affinity feature: Enable Node Affinity feature in order to limit pods to particular nodes based on various criteria like availability zone, region, etc.
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