Gillingham Wheelers Annual Dinner 2019
The Gillingham Wheelers Annual Dinner & Awards evening will take place at 7.00 pm on Saturday 30th November at the Arthur Morison Memorial Hall, Cucklington, BA9 9PY.

You are invited to reserve your place by completing the form below. Tickets are £28-00 per person and payment can be made by Bank Transfer, Cheque or by using some of your Volunteer Rewards Scheme points. Payment must be made by Monday 4th November.

The evening will include a three course meal with tea and coffee after. This is a BYO event so there is no bar and you will need to take your empties home!

Bank Payments to:- Sort Code: 30-93-45, Account: 00194620, Ref: AD+Surname
Cheques Payable to: Gillingham Wheelers & sent to Sarah Roberts, Treasurer,  6 Downsview Drive, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4RL.

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name *
Contact phone number *
Payment Method *
First Attendee *
Starter *
Main Course *
Dessert *
Hot Drink *
Second Attendee
Main Course
Hot Drink
Further Comments (eg food allergies, other dietary requirements, or number of Volunteer Rewards points used)
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