The Circles for Reconciliation are back!
*google form closed*


Please register using the official form of the organization: In “host organization”, please write “intercollegiate Circles hosted by Marianopolis College”, and in the “comments” section, please indicate “student circle”.


Circles for Reconciliation is a Manitoba-based non-profit, which organizes discussions between Indigenous and non-Indigenous, mediated by specially trained facilitators. The purpose of the Circles is to foster the spirit of reconciliation and create meaningful and mutually respectful relationships.

The initiative consists of a series of 10 Circles (to be held virtually through Zoom), spread out over 10 weeks and bringing together 5 Indigenous students and 5 non-Indigenous students from Cegeps and universities in Montreal. The same 10 student have to commit to all 10 meetings in order to complete the Circle and receive a certificate.

Not only is it an opportunity to learn more about Indigenous culture, history and heritage, to open up about our complex identities as Canadians, but also allows for the creation of strong bonds in an online environment. Plus, participation in the Circles can count significantly toward any Indigenous studies related Certificate offered at the Cegep or university level.

Participants of the Circle will also have the opportunity to write one (or many) piece of writing (research, opinion, creative writing) on any theme related to the Reconciliation discussions to be published in print in an edited booklet in collaboration with the Marianopolis Literary Magazine and the Indigenous Studies Certificate. Check out the previous issue of the Circles for Reconciliation booklet here:

The Circles will be starting in early February, and more information will be sent out to the selected participants prior.

**If you are Indigenous, please note that there is no required knowledge to take part in the Circles. It doesn’t matter how in-touch you feel with your culture; the most important contribution is your raw experience. We are here to listen to your truth, to respect it and to empower you, and do not ask that you ‘teach’ others about your heritage. Please note, also, that the Circles ensure equal representation: there will be an equal number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants, and one Indigenous facilitator among the two that will guide the discussion. The Circles provide a safe place for sharing and mutual understanding and bonding, and they need your participation to happen.

If you have question or for more information, please reach out to Anne Lin Arghirescu at
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