SAAVE Texas Membership & Volunteer Form
This Form is used to sign up for (i) SAAVE Texas Membership and/or (ii) Volunteer with SAAVE Texas. (If you just want to join SAAVE Texas and receive information about our activity and election alerts ("Voter Alert Program"), select "None" on the volunteer question below.)

The information collected will be used for communications with you, and will not be sold to others. By providing this contact information, you agree to receive occasional correspondence from us regarding political and electoral issues. Data rates may apply.

If you have any questions, please contact
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
What is your First Name? *
What is your Last Name? *
What is your street address? *
City? *
Zip Code? *
What is your mobile number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)?
In which US Congressional District do you live? (Which District?: ) *
Are you registered to vote at your current address? (Check here: ) *
What are the volunteer roles?
As with any large endeavor, we are always looking for engaged volunteers -- from as little as one hour a week to as many as you can spare! :) And we have many different things to do to maximize your talents and fulfillment.

Once you sign up to volunteer in a particular area, our Program and/or Regional Directors will reach out to you to get you started.

Our roles include:
Phone and Text Banking: Contacting South Asians by phone or text to educate them on voting, to promote candidates or ballot measures, and build the South Asian progressive community.

SAAVE Ambassador: Leverage your personal South Asian network to get at least 25 of your friends and relatives to be engaged voters.

Voter Registration: Organize, promote and staff in-person (when permitted) and virtual voter registration events.

Youth Engagement: Empower youth by helping them engage in the political process.

Social Media Ambassador: Build the South Asian community by communicating vital issues and our message on Social Media channels.

Community Outreach: Liaise across South Asian diaspora to help build bridges and develop cohesive community.

Congressional District Organizer: Liaise with Congressional District staff to organize events.

Public Policy Team (specialization required; by Appointment by the Board): Develop policy positions and endorsement recommendations for adoption by SAAVE.

Fundraising: Raise money to support SAAVE's efforts in voter engagement, education and empowerment!
I am interested in volunteering in these area(s)(select all that apply): *
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
Effacer le formulaire
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