Tackling Invasive Species on our Trails!
Thank you for filling out our survey!

Over the last couple of years, WRISC has been working to survey for invasive species on ATV/ORV trails in Florence, Forest, and Marinette Counites (WI), and Dickinson and Menominee Counties (MI). WRISC will continue our survey efforts in 2021, but we are asking recreationists for recommendations on where we should focus!
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Where do you ATV/ORV most often? *
What is the name of the trail you use most frequently? *
Are you more likely to go out in the winter to snowmobile or in the summer to ATV/ORV? *
Have you personally seen any invasive species on these trails? *
Are you concerned about the threat invasive species pose to our trail systems? *
Are you part of an ATV or Snowmobile Club? If so, which one?
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