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Questionnaire for assessing the level of satisfaction of PhD students
This questionnaire establishes the level of satisfaction of PhD students towards the PhD study program conducted within the Doctoral School of Computer Science - „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi
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1. Please express your opinion regarding the informational content of the courses taught within the PPUA (Advanced University Training Program) carried out in the 1st semester of the PhD studies:
Very much
Not really
Not at all
It is relevant to my training program
It is updated
It is consistent
Very much
Not really
Not at all
It is relevant to my training program
It is updated
It is consistent
Suggestions for improvement:
Your answer
2. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the teaching methods used in the PPUA (Advanced University Training Program):
Very much
Not really
Not at all
They made it easier for me to receive the information
They actively involved me
They are suitable for informational content
Very much
Not really
Not at all
They made it easier for me to receive the information
They actively involved me
They are suitable for informational content
Suggestions for improvement:
Your answer
3. Do you consider that the assessment of the knowledge acquired within the PPUA (Advanced University Training Program) has been carried out in a fair manner?
Very much
Not really
Not at all
Suggestions for improvement:
Your answer
4. Do you consider that the material resources used during the training processes were adequate to the content and objectives of the PPUA (Advanced University Training Program)?
Very much
Not really
Not at all
Suggestions for improvement:
Your answer
5. Do you consider that the ratio between the time allocated to theoretical training and that allocated to practical research activities has been balanced?
Very much
Not really
Not at all
Suggestions for improvement:
Your answer
6. Do you have any other suggestions for improving the quality of the training process related to PPUA (Advanced University Training Program)? Please detail.
Your answer
7. You consider that the topic of the PhD thesis is relevant to the objectives of your career development plan.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
8. What skills specific to the scientific research activity did you develop during the PPUA (Advanced University Training Program)?
scientific documentation
use of databases / software
writing a scientific paper / report
drafting a scientific project
9. Did you participate, during the first year, in scientific activities organized within the Doctoral School of Computer Science or by other institutions (conferences, presentations, symposium, etc.)?
10. List some of your most important professional accomplishments in the PhD training program:
Your answer
11. Overall, are you satisfied with your scientific development in the PhD study program?
Very much
Not really
Not at all
12. For a student in the final year of the PhD thesis preparation: to what extent do you owe the progress made by you as a scientist to the Doctoral School?
Very much
Not really
Not at all
Not applicable
13. To what extent has your PhD supervisor contributed to your progress as a scientist?
Very much
Not really
Not at all
14. Did your PhD supervisor help you overcome a difficult moment in the preparation of the thesis?
15. Do you consider that the approach you have now on a problem in your field of activity is qualitatively superior to the one you had before the admission to the Doctoral School?
Very much
Not really
Not at all
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