Wormhole Survivor
Thank you very much for playing this very first demo. The original idea is what you have just played but in a infinite wormhole procedurally generated with random hazards. You would level up and get new perks and skills like in Vampire Survivor.
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What do you think about the tutorial level duration?
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Please, in what tutorial's tests have you died too many times? 
Is the first level after the tutorial difficult?
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What do you think about the spacecraft's speed?
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Please, if you have had troubles with the first level after the tutorial, can you give me some examples of what elements or situations have made you "sweat"?
Which is the spacecraft's skill you have enjoyed the most? Why?
Which is the spacecraft's skill you have enjoyed the less? Why?
Please, could you tell me what have been your favourite moments while playing? You can describe them briefly or in detail, as you prefer.
Which have been the worst moments you have experienced while playing? You can describe them briefly or in detail, as you prefer.
Was there anything you would have liked to do while playing but you couldn't?
Is this demo fun enough?
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If there is anything else you want to tell me, you can do so below:
The Survey is DONE! Thank you so much for your answers! 
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