Winter Carnival K9 Keg Pull Pre-Registration Form 2022
Thanks for entering the 11th Annual K9 Keg Pull to benefit the Paws Park of Greenfield! The run will take place on Sunday, February 6th, at Beacon Field in Greenfield, over a snow-packed (hopefully!) course. Please arrive to check-in around 12:30. We will be starting the fun promptly at 1:00 p.m.

The entry fee is $5 per dog with pre-registration, $10 on the day of the event. Cash or check only, with checks being made out to "Friends of Greenfield" with Paws Park in the comment field. Payment will be received at the event. We ask that you bring a back clipping harness (if you have one, we will have some) and pick up after your dog while at the location. Each dog will be placed in a category of racers in a similar strength category and pull either a 4-pack cans, quarter keg, half keg or full keg. (Kegs are empty of any contents).
No experience is necessary! This is a FUN event, not a serious competition. Although it's nice to get those bragging rights.
Dog owners are encouraged to participate by motivating their dog down the length of the course any way they can. Awards will be given directly after the Keg Pull finishes at the Keg Pull track.

We will also have a bin to accept donations to the Franklin County Regional Dog Shelter. The following is a link to their "Wish List".

More information can be found about the Paws Park of Greenfield Initiative on Facebook
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