Middle School Book Group-  Sign Up
Hello Readers!  Mrs. London  & Ms. Harris are excited about our virtual Book Discussion Group! During the spring we had members from all four grades and had some great discussions.  We even had an author visit. We use Microsoft Teams for our discussions.  Mrs. London email you the technical details about the Team Gatherings, the date and the time as we get closer.

How will I get the book?

You can borrow a copy of the e-book or audiobook  from our school SORA collection. https://soraapp.com/library/masslibma  The book will be a simultaneous use title, which means that everybody can have a copy at the same time.

Our next book is Kasey & Ivy.  

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Catboy by Eric Walters  - Taylor and his mother have moved from a small northern town to the heart of Toronto. The differences are dramatic as Taylor becomes part of a classroom of kids as diverse as the city itself. While taking a shortcut across a junkyard with his new best friend, Simon, Taylor becomes aware of a colony of wild cats that make the junkyard their home. Assisted by his classmates, teacher and the security guard, Mr. Singh, Taylor takes a special interest in caring for the cats. Suddenly there is an announcement--the junkyard is being redeveloped to become condominiums. Can Taylor and his friends save the cats of the colony from certain death?
Kasey & Ivy by Alison Hughes - Through twenty-six letters to her friend Nina, twelve-year-old Kasey chronicles the often humorous observations and impressions of her unexpected, month-long stay in a geriatric ward for the treatment of a rare but treatable bone disease ("osteo-something-something-itis"). Kasey tries to make her life less dull by wearing her own nightgowns, surrounding herself with her favorite stuffies and developing an unusual exercise routine. Hospital food, insomnia and the germy communal bath are enduring sources of dread, but some new (and unexpected) friends make her life bearable.
The Doughnut Fix by Jessie Janowitz, - Tristan's life takes a turn for the worse when his parents decide to move him and his two sisters to middle-of-nowhere Petersville--a place that definitely can't be the greatest since it only has one road and no restaurants. His suspicions about his new town are confirmed when he's tricked into believing the local general store has life-changing chocolate cream doughnuts, when in fact the cranky owner hasn't made them in years. This begins the only thing that could make life in Petersville and close proximity to his family okay: getting the secret recipe and bringing them back to the town. But Tristan will soon discover that starting a business is going to be hard work.
Email Mrs. London with any questions:   patricialondon@abingtonps.org
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