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Reptile and Exotic Pet Veterinarian List Form
This form is for Veterinarian clinics with reptile and/or exotic pet services that wish to be listed on the Georgia Reptile Society's website.
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* Indicates required question
Name of Clinic:
Your answer
Best Phone Number and Email for your clinic:
Your answer
How long has your clinic been open:
Your answer
Does your clinic or veterinarian have AVMA accreditation:
What are your normal hours of operation:
Your answer
Primary exotic veterinarian on staff:
Your answer
What is your exotic veterinarian's schedule (if different from normal business hours):
Your answer
How many years of exotic experience does your veterinarian have:
Your answer
What uncommon reptile species does your veterinarian have experience with (reticulated pythons, Burmese pythons, Tegus, etc.):
Your answer
Is your clinic able to perform surgeries for reptiles/exotics:
Does your clinic operate as an emergency vet:
If not, does your your clinic have an emergency vet that you work with or recommend for reptiles/exotic pets:
Your answer
The Georgia Reptile Society works with clinics across the state, would your clinic be open to working with us in the future:
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If so, would you be willing to, or does your clinic offer a rescue discount:
Your answer
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