Circle of Compassion Questionnaire
Welcome to our questionnaire on compassion. We believe that compassion is a fundamental building block of communities, spreading kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth and connectedness between people. Help us understand  compassion better!

Please, fill in the questionnaire that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of your time. Your participation will help us better understand how people experience and express compassion in different settings.

Your contributions are invaluable to our research and will help to spread understanding and promote compassion in our community.

Thank you very much for your time and participation.
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1. Name of organization:
2. Country: *
3. My organization is active at (multiple answers): *
4. How long does your organization exist? *
5. What is the size of your organisation:
6. What is your role in the organization? *
7. What is the basic nature of work in your organization:
8. What is the basic nature of your organisations work:
(where 1 means strongly disagree, 5 means strongly agree)
We invest in building trusting, respectful and confidential relationships through open and honest communication with our members, volunteers and users.
We cultivate a welcoming environment for our members, volunteers and users.
We demonstrate commitment to our members, volunteers and users (e.g. being available for meetings as needed, providing prompt feedback to emails, grants, papers…).
We provide a safe and non-judgmental environment for our members, volunteers and users to express ideas and concerns.
We tailor the amount and type of psychosocial support to the personality, circumstances, and response of the individual member, volunteer and user.
We facilitate creative thinking and problem solving to address member’s/volunteer’s/ user’s needs.
We help our members/volunteers/users to create culturally responsive environments and practices that address acceptance and knowledge of differences.
We lead the members/volunteers /users towards creating a space of respect and equality in the group.
We openly discuss issues of equity with our members/volunteers/users by identifying assumptions and prejudices that result in discriminatory and inequitable practices.
We implement projects based on the empathy and compassion in youth work
9. Please describe one of your practices that is based on empathy and compassion towards your participants.
10. Please describe examples of projects made by organizations from your surroundings which are based on empathy and compassion towards project participants.
Data protection policy

Public Institute Young Dragons (Address: Resljeva c. 18, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Phone: +386 1 306 40 64; Email: is collecting and storing your personal data and contact details requested in this form within the project "Circle of COMPASION". 

If you would like to express concerns, ask for clarifications, lodge complaints, or exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, including your right to withdraw consent, feel free to contact Maja M. Gašperšič at:

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide data to Public Institute Young Dragons during the confirmation process. However, if you do not provide the information requested in this form, we may not be able to process your application properly or at all, since it is strictly related to the scope and legitimate interests of Public Institute Young Dragons.

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