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Student Research Talks
Research Talks:
The research talks will be held on
10:15AM - 11:00 AM.
Each talk will be
15 minutes -
12-13 minute presentation, 2-3 minute Q&A
Location: These will take place in all of the available rooms - schedule TBA.
Best Practices for talks:
Please come prepared with a laptop and a back-up of your presentation on an alternate device in case of technical difficulties.
If you require specific adapters, please make sure you bring your own. The rooms will have HDMI cables but are not guaranteed to have more than that.
Practice your talks! Keeping things to 12-13 minutes is harder than it looks; practicing a few times will help streamline your talk to fit the time limit. :)
Please don't hesitate to reach out to if you have any further questions!
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* Indicates required question
What is your name
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What is the title of your talk?
Your answer
What area of physics is your research in? This will help us group talks and posters accordingly.
Your answer
Please submit a short abstract below:
Your answer
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