2024 Rugby Girls Wrestling Camp
Event Timing: July 17th - 18th
Event Address: Rugby Armory, 1123 S. Main, Rugby, ND 58368
Contact: Chris Brossart 701-208-0409 or brosy169@hotmail.com
Preregistration deadline July 1st to guarantee T-shirt

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Email *
Parent/Guardian (first and last name) *
Phone Number *
Wrestler (first and last name)

Grade Completed *
Club/Town *
T-Shirt Size *
I understand that injuries could be involved with participation.  I understand that the Rugby SWAT Wrestling Club, it's coaches or board members, are not responsible for injuries that may occur during these sessions.  I have my own medical insurance that will cover any medical attention that my child may need.* *
Mail check to:  Rugby SWAT Wrestling
                            4510 Highway 17 
                            Wolford, ND 58385
Cost : $130/person

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