O'Riley's Secret Shopper Interest Form
Fill this form out if you wish to participate in the O'Riley's Irish Pub secret shopper program. If you are selected you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire about your experience at our bar. Selected participants will receive compensation to cover a portion of their bar tab for the visit. The rules for applying are:

  1. You cannot be associated with any member or O’Riley’s Irish Pub staff.

  2. You cannot let any staff member know you are participating in the program.

  3. You must be 21 years of age or older to participate.

  4. You can only do this experience once.

If chosen to participate in this experience, a member of O'Riley's Irish Pub Management will contact you with instructions. Filling out this form does not guarantee participation. Any secret shopper rewards that remain unclaimed after 14 days of contact will result in the cancellation of your reward.

Your information will remain private.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Age *
Gender *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
I verify that I have not told any member of O'Riley's Staff about the Secret Shopper Survey, and that my reward can be denied if this is not the case. *
I verify that I have no affiliation with any member of O'Riley's Staff, and that my reward can be denied if this is not the case. *
Select from the locations below you would be interested in reviewing. *
Select from the following days when you would most likely be available to participate in the Secret Shopper Program. *
Please select where you heard about this survey. *
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