Application form - OpenMined Writing Team

This is the application form to join the OpenMined Writing Team. We write content for the blog:

We are a group of volunteer writers from various backgrounds who are all interested in writing blog posts for the OpenMined blog! Blog posts can be announcements (example), interviews (example), code demos and/or tutorials (example, example), or even think-pieces/journalism style pieces about privacy and OpenMined-related topics (example).

If you are interested in volunteering as a member of our Writing team, please fill out the form below.
We review all received applications and onboard new team members every month.

If you have difficulties filling out this form, reach out to @Bala on Slack.

The name and photo associated with your Google Account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form.
登录 Google 即可保存进度。了解详情
电子邮件地址 *
Your OpenMined slack ID (join at *
Name *
Please check the kind of writing you're interested in contributing: *
Who are you and what are you interested in? 1-3 sentences, maximum! (Examples: "Computer science educator at X, PhD student at X interested in X")
Where in the world are you usually based? (helps us schedule with timezones)
If you have examples of other posts, tutorials or blogs you've written, paste a link here: *
If you are interested in doing translations: which languages?
What is your Github Profile? (We use GitHub project boards to keep track of blog progress) *
Are you interested in contributing to documentation efforts for libraries in the OM Ecosystem *
Tell us why you think you'd be a good fit to join the writing team at OpenMined *
How many hours a week can you commit to your contribution to the team? *
切勿通过 Google 表单提交密码。
此表单是在 OpenMined 内部创建的。 举报滥用行为