C2SM Core Team Survey
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C2SM Services
How well do our services (model maintenance, supported machines, support request, tasks, data provision etc.) match your needs?
Very little
Very much
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What services do you think are missing?
We have restructured our task submission procedure starting this year (informal quarterly meeting, year-round task submission via GitHub) to be more flexible.
How do you like this new procedure?
Very little
Very much
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Anything you would like to have different about the task submission and/or the meetings?
With the task submission restructuring we also introduced a discussion forum as a replacement for emails to the support staff. How do you like this new format?
Very little
Very much
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Anything you would like to change? Or any suggestions for improvement?
C2SM User Landing Page
Do you know our C2SM User Landing Page (https://c2sm.github.io/)?
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