Application Form for 1:1 Coaching with Kirtti Sharrma
I am so excited you are interested in working together. Let's start with seeing if it is a good fit and where I can help you the most. 
This three-month transformative journey is designed to help you reconnect with your true self, heal emotional wounds, and unlock your full potential.

Your responses will help us understand your needs and readiness to invest in this profound personal growth opportunity. It'll also help Kirtti see if she can be a great fit to help you or not. If by any chance Kirtti couldn't provide you 1:1 Coaching she will either guide you how to move ahead or recommend you to a better Coach.

Ready to do this? And take your life to the next level? Fill out the form below and we will respond within 3 working days. 

Excited to learn more about you and your Soul's Journey!!!

Kirtti Sharrma

Email *
Full Name *
Email Address
Phone Number
Location (City, State, Country)
Time Zone

What motivated you to seek 1:1 coaching at this time?


What are the primary challenges you are facing that you hope to address through coaching?


Have you worked with a coach or therapist before? If yes, please describe your experience.


This coaching program requires your commitment and the cost of $5000. Are you prepared to invest this amount in your personal growth and healing?


Are you ready to commit the time required for this program, including regular coaching sessions and the exercises given? (Approximately, 2-3 hours/week according to the personal plan)


Are you the primary decision-maker regarding this investment in coaching, or do you need to consult someone else before making this commitment?


If your application is approved, How soon can you confirm to be working with Kirtti?


What are your specific goals for this coaching program? What do you hope to achieve by the end of the three months?


How did you hear about Kirtti Sharrma and her coaching services?


Is there any additional information you would like to share that you feel is relevant to your application?

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