Morphus Sleep Survey
We LOVE fact we love it so much we'll be asking you questions on a regular basis to help our 'Pauser sisters feel more supported & less alone.

We really appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions & we'll share the results in future newsletters.

If you know someone who is in perimenopause or menopause, please share this survey with them. The more women we reach, the more we can help them navigate this phase of life (and  get a better night sleep!).

Please note: This survey is anonymous.

With gratitude,

Andrea Donsky
Co-founder of Morphus & Nutritionist IN Menopause
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What stage are you in:
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How old are you?
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1. Do you have a nightly sleep routine (meaning you go to bed around the same time every night, or you wind down before bed by reading a book, using essential oils, doing yoga, or taking a bath, drinking a cup of tea to relax you, etc.)?
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1A. If you answered "YES" or "SOMETIMES" above, please share what your sleep routine looks like (ie. you take a bath with epson salts and/or essential oils, drink a cup of warm milk or tea before bed, meditate, etc). We would love to share your sleep tips with our community.
2. What time do you (try to) go to bed?
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3. How long does it typically take you to fall asleep?
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4. If sleep 😴 is an issue for you (which it is for sooo many of us!), please share what's preventing you from getting a good night sleep and/or interrupting it. Pick as many as you see fit.
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4A. If you answered "OTHER" above, please share what is interrupting or disrupting your sleep.
5. Do you (or have you) taken prescription medication to help you sleep?
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6. Do you (or have you) taken supplements to help you sleep?
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6A. If you answered "YES" above and currently (or have previously) taken supplements to help you sleep, please share what you use or what you've tried.
7. Is there anything else you'd like to share with us, or other women in perimenopause or menopause when it comes to sleep? We'd love to hear from you.
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