Support Group: Unwanted Pornography Use
This is a group for men between the ages of 18-25 who are looking to find hope in their unwanted struggle with pornography and related sexual behavior. The group will integrate faith and clinical frameworks in order to help its members find support and see their struggle from a new perspective with potential new avenues on their journey towards healing. 

Please register by completing the form below. Once registered, you can expect a follow-up phone call or email from Rivertown Wellness where we will confirm your enrollment, add you into our client portal and provide additional details. The group will be free to it’s members. It will be a closed group and limited to 10 people, meaning only those who register and are confirmed by the facilitators can attend so as to create a safe, confidential, and committed space.

DATES: Sundays (3/19-4/23)
TIME: 7–8:30pm
COST: No cost
LOCATION: Missio Dei Church | 2511 Essex Place, Cincinnati, OH 45206
FACILITATOR: Nathan Timmons, Counselor in Training at Rivertown Wellness and Student at Huntington University, Supervised by Cody Hanson, LPCC-S
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
First and Last Name of participant  *
Date of Birth
Email address of participant *
Phone number of participant *
What are you hoping to get out of this group?
How did you hear about us? *
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