ETUCE - Building Equality from early Years through training Opportunities for Educators and New competences to Deconstruct gender biases (BEYOND)
This survey is promoted by the BEYOND project and intends to map relevant practices and pedagogical approaches to counter gender stereotypes and discriminations in early years education settings across Europe in order to promote peer learning and exchange of knowledge between all the stakeholders involved in Early Childhood Education and Care: ECEC settings, ECEC teachers and other education personnel, parents and families, policy-makers and other educational professionals. The results of the mapping activity are going to inform the definition of a minimum standard of gender competences for professionals active in the early years education and the development of an innovative training offer on this topic.

N. 101005472

IMPORTANT: If it is not possible for you to answer some mandatory questions, please write N/A.

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1. Name and Surname of the person filling out the form *
2. Role of the person filling out the form *
3. If Other, please specify
4. Country where the Practice has been implemented *
5. Region/Province/City where the Practice has been implemented
6. Name of the educational institution where the Practice has been implemented
7. What is the proportion of female-male representatives in the institution/organization where the Practice has been implemented?
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8. Name of the Practice (e.g. event, pedagogical approach, etc.) *
9. How long did the Practice last (in months) and when (dates)? Is it still ongoing? *
10. How has the Practice been conducted?
11. Please provide a short description of the Practice (e.g. specifying objectives, type of tools used, pedagogical approaches, etc.) *
12. Target of the Practice: please specify the category of the target group (e.g. children, parents/families, ECEC educational personnel, etc.) providing gender disaggregated data. In the case of children, please specify the age
13. Indicate the application level of the Practice *
14. The Practice contributes to: *
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