Functional Medicine Coaching Form 

Functional Medicine Health Coaching use Functional Medicine principles & positive psychology coaching techniques to Educate clients and help them understand their plan of care, offer tools and accountability when clients implement new lifestyle changes. Motivate clients using positive psychology techniques. Guide clients through dietary changes, food plans, and physical activity protocol. 

Privacy and Confidentiality

Our Health Coaching sessions will be conducted in at Beirut Yoga Center - Antelias or Beirut.

We understand the importance of keeping your personal information confidential and guarantee that your data will not be shared with any third parties. All information shared with the Coach will remain strictly confidential.

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Name:  *
Date of Birth: *
Email: *
Phone number: *
Address: *
Why are you interested in the Health Coaching Process ?
Do you have any specific general health medical condition? Please state all in order to be able to support you.
What are your expectations from this collaboration 
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