Seller Blog Post
The information you provide here may be used to create articles to help publicise your business.
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Selling Platform (choose 1 or more) *
My name is...
My Store is called..
I sell.... (types of products you sell)
I've been selling on this website since...
I started selling on this website because.... 
My best selling products are.... (list a few if you can)
My future plans are to...
I'd recommend this website because...
This website has made a difference to my life because...
Please send a couple of photos of your products and ideally one of you to the website Support Team.  Please use the subject line: Blog photos and include your shop url
Anything else you want to add.
I'd be interested in being included in free media coverage? NB: If successful the publication might want to interview you and take a photograph.
My nearest city or town is...
My local paper and/or radio station is/are...
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