Affiliate Marketing Form
We would love to learn about you! Let's ensure a clear understanding of our collaborative mission and goals.
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Please provide your name and the email address you will be using as an affiliate:
How do you plan to integrate and promote 23 and God to your audience?
If you selected "other", please describe your promotion method:
Are you looking for a short-term or long-term collaboration with 23 and God?
Are you open to feedback and adjustments in your marketing approach based on performance?
Can we promote and/or share 23 & God media posted through your marketing efforts?
How does your content connect to 23 & God's Mission?
Please share any additional details you feel would benefit our collaboration:
Are you a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit or associated with one? If so, please share its name
How did you hear about us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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