Climate-Smart Agriculture Needs Assessment & Survey
North Dakota State University is dedicated to helping farmers and agricultural communities through research. Dr. Lindsay Malone is a new assistant professor here at NDSU, specializing in Climate Smart Approaches in Agriculture. She is looking for input from producers, Extension, Certified Crop Advisors, and other trusted partners within the agricultural community.

If you are interested and willing, please spend some time (approximately 10-15 minutes) filling out this survey. The survey includes multiple choice, open-ended, and scale-based questions about your role, background, and perspectives on this topic, with some additional questions for producers about their operation. The information gathered will guide future research projects, as well as provide insight on the concept and term Climate Smart Agriculture. The researchers intend to use these survey results in a research publication, but all data will be combined to show trends, not to focus on individuals. While the primary questions are anonymous, if you choose to include identifying information in open-ended questions, we will keep this information private. After the conclusion of the study, any research reports or findings will be made available publicly.

By continuing with the survey, you are agreeing to participate in the study, and acknowledging that you are over 18. You may leave the survey at any time, for any reason, without consequence, or leave some questions unanswered. If you have any concerns or questions about the project, please reach out to Dr. Lindsay Malone at

The IRB protocol number for this study is #IRB0005054. You have rights as a research participant. Learn more about your rights at: If you have questions about your rights or complaints about this research, you may talk to Dr. Malone, or contact the Research Integrity & Compliance office directly at 701.231.8995, toll-free at 1-855-800-6717, by email at
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