2022 OA Youth Officer Event Attendance Request Form
Thank you for inviting a youth officer (national or regional) of the Order of the Arrow to attend your event. Please take a moment to fill out this event attendance request form. You will be notified upon the approval of this request.

Please note that in order to share the available officers with more lodges and sections no more than two officers will be allowed to attend any one event.  In some instances there may be no officers available and in others only one will be approved.

If inviting a regional officer to attend your event, please invite the officer from your region before inviting an officer from a different region.
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Adresă de e-mail *
Primary Details
Requester's Name *
Requester's Phone *
Requester's Email Address *
Responsible Adviser's Name *
Responsible Adviser's Email Address *
Invitee(s) *
Event Details
Event Name *
Event Description *
Event Start Date *
Event End Date *
Host Council/Area *
Region *
Location *
Describe specific requests for the invitee while at this event (e.g. conduct training, give a speech). *
Event and Transportation Fees
Will the event attendance fee be waived? *
What is the attendance fee? *
Will the transportation fee need to be covered by the youth officer or the host council/section/area? *
Additional comments about the transportation fee.
Transportation Arrangements
What method of transportation will be used to transport the youth officer? *
Who is responsible for travel from the terminal to the event and back to the terminal?
Responsible Party’s Mobile Phone Number
What are the overnight accommodations (if applicable)?
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