FC 1, WK 3 (2)
For Child #2
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What's your name? *
Watch this video on the gospel for this coming Sunday, than answer the question below./Mire este video sobre el evangelio para el próximo domingo, luego responda la pregunta a continuación.
What color is the new candle we light this week? *
Here is a coloring page for this Sunday's Gospel.
Watch this video to prepare for this Sunday's Mass readings.
Mire este video para prepararse para las lecturas de la misa de este domingo.
Watch this video about John the Baptist.
Let's get ready for Advent. Watch these Brother Francis videos and answer the questions./Preparémonos para el Adviento. Mire estos videos del hermano Francis y responda las preguntas.
Brother Francis prayed: Jesus, help me remember that prayers, just like your Angels are... *
Brother Francis said, Everyone is .... no matter who they are. *
We want to say ... like mother Mary. *
Brother Francis said, Isn't God... *
Watch this beautiful video on Mary saying YES!
Mira este hermoso video de María diciendo ¡SÍ!
Watch this beautiful video of Mary going to see her cousin Elizabeth./Mira este hermoso video de María yendo a ver a su prima Isabel.
Now let's practice our prayers! Pray the Our Father with this video. Remember you need to learn your prayers before you can do your First Reconciliation./¡Ahora practiquemos nuestras oraciones! Reza el Padre Nuestro con este video. Recuerde que necesita aprender sus oraciones antes de poder hacer su Primera Reconciliación.
And here is another one, practice, practice, practice.
And one more.
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