KG DECA Membership - 2023-2024
Please fill out this form for your KG DECA membership.  All students in every Marketing class and Economics & Personal Finance Class are asked to complete this form to EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE!  (Dues must be paid)
Be sure to bring in your $30 dues to complete your membership process - Cash or Check (made out to "King George High School" with KG DECA in the For/Memo line).  Mail to King George High School, Attention Mrs. Dee Strauss, 10100 Foxes Way, King George, VA 22485, or drop off to Mrs Strauss or Mr Addison - Rooms 225 & 224.  Thank you!
อีเมล *
First Name *
Last Name *
Your Mailing Address - be sure to include house/apt number, street, town, zip code *
Student Cell Phone Number *
Student Personal Email Address *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent Email Address *
Grade *
What class are you taking this year, either 1st or 2nd Semester?  (DECA membership is limited to students in any of the courses listed below.  See Mrs. Strauss with questions.) *
Gender *
Ethnicity *
T-Shirt Size *
What would you like to participate in as a KG DECA member? (Check all that apply) *
Please type your full name as your signature of commitment/promise to pay $30 dues to KG DECA membership. *
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