Myx Mode Media LLC Photography Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in services provided by Myx Mode Media. Please fill out this form and you will be contacted shortly. Please note that your shoot is not confirmed until a contract is received and returned.
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Email *
Full Name and Phone Number *
What kind of event/shoot are you looking to be photographed? *
Where would you like services to take place (location)? *
If selected studio, what color backdrop would you like?
What kind of lighting are you looking for?
Captionless Image
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Any Props? (must be provided by client) *
How many people will you need to be photographed or how many people will be at the event or shoot? *
Will you have other photographers/videographers present as well? *
How many different looks (outfit changes) would you like? *
Date(s) and Time(s) you have in mind? *
Do you need to receive final photos by a certain date? (Please note that there is a standard 2-3 week turn around to receive final photos) *
Tell me more about what you have in mind for your shoot/event. *
How did you hear about us! *
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