Beta Readers Wanted

Thanks for being interested in signing up as a beta reader. As mentioned on my website, the requirements are pretty straightforward and simple. There is a time limit on both manuscripts, but I also believe that it will be fairly easy to read through and respond with your feedback.

I will get in touch with you within a week of you filling out this form, to follow up and ensure that you are interested in beta reading both manuscripts. Post that, on the dates mentioned below, I will send an email as well as links to the Google Doc with the manuscript.

  • I will share the Google Doc with you via the email address you submit in the form
  • As you leave feedback, I will not be looking at the document or responding to comments (because I will turn these notifications off)—unless you need me to respond to something urgently, then I advice you to either DM me on Instagram or email me about it
  • When you're done, reply to the original email and let me know what your thoughts are.

Please note, you can apply for just one or both projects

Manuscript #1: Heartlines (Sapphic Short Story)
  • You'll get the story by January 7th and I expect it back by January 31st
  • This short story isn't connected to my published series, but will be an introduction to my next series
  • I will send you a set of questions and guidelines on what to look for/what feedback I'd like as well

Manuscript #2: Almost Home (Love in Wildes, Book 3)
  • The book is slated for a late May/early June release, so I will send you the manuscript by February 11th and I'll need it back within a month (March 10th — 12th)
  • I'm also looking for readers who haven't read the first two books, to see if the story can function as a standalone as well as part of a series
  • Questions and guidelines on what to look for/what feedback is required will be included

* If at any point during the beta reading process you realise you will not be able to meet the deadline or are not interested in the story anymore, please let me know. I won't be offended, I don't want to force you to read something that you no longer enjoy.
Mailadresse *
Name *
Your social media account *
Please provide a link to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (I do not have access to TikTok)
Have you done beta reading before? *
Who have you beta read for? *
Please list authors you've worked with in the past.
As a beta reader, can you be honest with your feedback? *
While I can handle negative feelings and thoughts, please be gentle with me as well!
If selected as a beta reader, can you meet the required timelines? *
Would you like to beta read the short story? *
Why do you want to beta read this short story?
While not a *required response, I'd appreciate understanding what you might bring to the table as a reader for this short story.
Would you like to beta read the full length novel? *
Have you checked the content and trigger warnings? Are you okay reading a story that includes these topics? *
Have you read the first two books in the series? *
Why do you want to beta read this manuscript?
While not a *required response, I'd appreciate understanding what you might bring to the table as a reader for this book.
Do you have any questions or concerns?
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