Jalur *
Cermatilah paragraf berikutCedera otak digolongkan ringan hingga berat.Cedera yang paling ringan yaitu setalah benturan di kepala, ada riwayat bingung sebentar, setelah itu tidak ada keluhan, kembali normal. Cedera agak berat sedikit  setelah benturan, terjadi amnesia, kemudian sadar dengan baik dan tidak ada keluhan. Cedera lebih berat lagi sedikit, setelah benturan terjadi tidak sadar 3-5 menit, setelah itu sadar , dan tidak ada keluhan. Jika setelah benturan pingsan , kemudian tidak ada keluhan disebut cedera kepala klasik.Ide pokok paragraf tersebut adalah…. *
Cermatilah dua teks berikut!Teks 1Sekitar pukul 15.00, Waryo mencari makan ikan dan menemukan jamur merang di sawah.Setelah sampai rumahjamur tersebut segera di masak oleh istrinya. Ketika makan malam dengan  menu  jamur mereka sama sekali tidak merasa keanehan. Sekitar pukul 23.00  seluruh isi rumah baru merasakan mual, pusing, dan muntah-muntah, serta buang air besar dan segera dilarikan ke RS DKT Wijaya kusuma Purwokerto.Teks 2Waryo sekeluarga serta merta dilarikan kerumah sakit terdekat di DKT Purwokerto.Setiba di rumah sakit segera di beri pertolongan pertama oleh Dokter jaga malam  itu. Mereka di indikasikan  telah mengonsumsi  sejenis jamur liar yang diambilnya dari tumpukan jerami di sawah. Beberapa saat setelah makan tersebut mereka sekeluarga merasa mual dan muntah – muntah.Perbedaan penyajian dari kedua teks tersebut adalah…. *
Cermatilah ilustrasi berikut!SMP Negeri 2 Melati akan mengadakan kegiatan ulang tahun yang dimeriahkan dengan cara sepeda hias. Untuk menyemarakkan kegiatan tersebut, osis berinisiatif membuat poster sebagai sarana publikasi.Kalimat poster yang sesuai untuk kegiatan tersebut adalah … *
Cermatilah ilustrasi berikut!Sebuah lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) lingkungan hidup mengajak masyarakat menanam  pohon  pada hutan gundul dengan tujuan meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap kelestarian hutan dan mencegah kerusakan lingkungan alam. Slogan yang tepat sesuai dengan ilustrasi tersebut adalah …. *
Bacalah paragraf berikut dengan cermat!(1) Olimpiade adalah pertandingan olahraga antarbanga yang diadakan  setiap empat   tahun sekali di Negara yang berlainan. (2). Kali pertama diadakan pada tahun 776 sebelum masehi di kaki gunung Olympia atau Olimpius Yuanai. (3). Saat itu orang Yunani melakukannya demi melakukan penghormatan terhadapt dewa Zeus. (4). Konon gunung Olympus dipercaya sebagai gunung suci , karena tempat bersemayam Dewa Zeus. (5). Di zaman Yunani , gunung Olimpus juga dianggap sebagai pusat negara dan pusat dunia.Kalimat yang berisi fakta dalam paragraf di atas bernomor…. *
Cermatilah teks berikut!(1) Jalan tol macet, pengguna merasa dirugikan. (2)Pemblokiran terjadi sejak Kamis malam dan berakhir jumat siang pekan lalu. (3) Pengunjuk rasa membongkar sendiri tenda yang menutupi jalan dengan tetap menuntut janji pembayaran ganti rugi secepatnya. (4). Besarnya tuntutan Rp. 3 miliar harga 1.727 m2.(5). Dan hari ini mereka telah mengantarkan tuntutan itu ke pihak yang terkait.Kalimat yang berisi pendapat pada teks tersebut terdapat kalimat bernomor…. *
Cermatilah paragraf berikut! Dokter Fajri adalah tipe Dokter yang……ia tidak pernah putus asa. Hamper semua pasien yang berobat kepadanya selalu sembuh dari penyakitnya. Ia dikenal sebagai dokter yang….. di lingkungan rumah maupun tempat kerjanya. Tak jarang ia menjadi….. karena kebaikannya.Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf diatas adalah …. *
Seseorang yang tidak tetap pendiriannya di peribahasakan bagai air di daun talas.Peribahasa yang mempunyai makna yang sama adalah …. *
Bacalah penggalan cerita berikut dengan cermat!Bila ada tetangga bertanya tentang diriku, tentang pekerjaan ku.maka aku tak mampu menjawabnya. Aku langsung muram, merah padam, dan tergagap- gagap.. Aku cemburu terhadap orang yang bisa mengatakan “ aku seorang kuli disiang hari “Watak tokoh aku dalam penggalan cerita tersebut adalah …. *
Text 1 . Spanish Thief Saw Himself as Robin Hood-Like BanditMadrid (Reuters) - Spain's most wanted thief, "The Loner," saw himself as a Robin Hood-style figure and said he robbed banks only because they stole from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa."I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at officers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested," Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspapers El Pais and El Mundo.Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard  and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery-Reuters. What is the text about? *
Text 1 . Spanish Thief Saw Himself as Robin Hood-Like BanditMadrid (Reuters) - Spain's most wanted thief, "The Loner," saw himself as a Robin Hood-style figure and said he robbed banks only because they stole from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa."I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at officers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested," Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspapers El Pais and El Mundo.Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard  and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery-Reuters. Before being arrested, Jaime Jimenez Arbe . . . in Spain *
Text 1 . Spanish Thief Saw Himself as Robin Hood-Like BanditMadrid (Reuters) - Spain's most wanted thief, "The Loner," saw himself as a Robin Hood-style figure and said he robbed banks only because they stole from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa."I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at officers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested," Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspapers El Pais and El Mundo.Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard  and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery-Reuters.  The reason why "The Loner" robbed the banks is because . . . . *
Text 1 . Spanish Thief Saw Himself as Robin Hood-Like BanditMadrid (Reuters) - Spain's most wanted thief, "The Loner," saw himself as a Robin Hood-style figure and said he robbed banks only because they stole from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa."I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at officers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested," Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspapers El Pais and El Mundo.Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard  and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery-Reuters. . "Trilo-Figueroa, said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig     (Paragraph 3) The underlined word "disguised" means . . .......... *
Text 1 . Spanish Thief Saw Himself as Robin Hood-Like BanditMadrid (Reuters) - Spain's most wanted thief, "The Loner," saw himself as a Robin Hood-style figure and said he robbed banks only because they stole from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa."I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at officers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested," Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspapers El Pais and El Mundo.Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard  and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery-Reuters. . ….disguised in a false beard and a wig ,..( last paragraph).The italic word is the same with .. *
Text 2 . Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man.  His parents loved him very much.One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return. The generic structure of the text is ….. *
Text 2 . Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man.  His parents loved him very much.One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return. Who is the main character in the story? *
Text 2 .  Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man.  His parents loved him very much.One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return. Who is the main character in the story? *
Text 2 . Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man.  His parents loved him very much.One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return. “Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.” (paragraph 5) From the sentence we know that Momotaro’s parents …. Him to fight the pirates. *
Text 2 . Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man.  His parents loved him very much.One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return. When the peasant and his wife saw a beautiful baby boy inside the large peach, they ….. and named him Momotaro. *
Text 2 . Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man.  His parents loved him very much.One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return. What do we learn from the story? *
 Text  3  ComputerA computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.Conventionally a computer consists of some form of memory for data storage, at least one element that carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control element that can change the order of operations based on the information that is stored. Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from an external source, and allow the results of operations to be sent out.A computer's processing unit executes series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment. In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer, his analytical engine. Limited finances and Babbage's inability to resist tinkering with the design meant that the device was never completed ; nevertheless his son, Henry Babbage, completed a simplified version of the analytical engine's computing unit (the mill) in 1888. He gave a successful demonstration of its use in computing tables in 1906. This machine was given to the Science museum in South Kensington in 1910.The first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). Originally, they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs). Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, and mobile computers can be powered by smallbatteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "computers". However, the embedded computers found in many devices from mp3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous. What is a computer? *
 Text  3  ComputerA computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.Conventionally a computer consists of some form of memory for data storage, at least one element that carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control element that can change the order of operations based on the information that is stored. Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from an external source, and allow the results of operations to be sent out.A computer's processing unit executes series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment. In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer, his analytical engine. Limited finances and Babbage's inability to resist tinkering with the design meant that the device was never completed ; nevertheless his son, Henry Babbage, completed a simplified version of the analytical engine's computing unit (the mill) in 1888. He gave a successful demonstration of its use in computing tables in 1906. This machine was given to the Science museum in South Kensington in 1910.The first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). Originally, they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs). Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, and mobile computers can be powered by smallbatteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "computers". However, the embedded computers found in many devices from mp3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous. What is part of computer which execute series of instruction?
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 Text  3  ComputerA computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.Conventionally a computer consists of some form of memory for data storage, at least one element that carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control element that can change the order of operations based on the information that is stored. Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from an external source, and allow the results of operations to be sent out.A computer's processing unit executes series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment. In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer, his analytical engine. Limited finances and Babbage's inability to resist tinkering with the design meant that the device was never completed ; nevertheless his son, Henry Babbage, completed a simplified version of the analytical engine's computing unit (the mill) in 1888. He gave a successful demonstration of its use in computing tables in 1906. This machine was given to the Science museum in South Kensington in 1910.The first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). Originally, they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs). Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, and mobile computers can be powered by smallbatteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "computers". However, the embedded computers found in many devices from mp3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous. Who is the founder of computer? *
Text  3  ComputerA computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.Conventionally a computer consists of some form of memory for data storage, at least one element that carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control element that can change the order of operations based on the information that is stored. Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from an external source, and allow the results of operations to be sent out.A computer's processing unit executes series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment. In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer, his analytical engine. Limited finances and Babbage's inability to resist tinkering with the design meant that the device was never completed ; nevertheless his son, Henry Babbage, completed a simplified version of the analytical engine's computing unit (the mill) in 1888. He gave a successful demonstration of its use in computing tables in 1906. This machine was given to the Science museum in South Kensington in 1910.The first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). Originally, they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs). Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, and mobile computers can be powered by smallbatteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "computers". However, the embedded computers found in many devices from mp3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous. When did the concept of programmable machine appear? *
 Text  3  ComputerA computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem.Conventionally a computer consists of some form of memory for data storage, at least one element that carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control element that can change the order of operations based on the information that is stored. Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from an external source, and allow the results of operations to be sent out.A computer's processing unit executes series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment. In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer, his analytical engine. Limited finances and Babbage's inability to resist tinkering with the design meant that the device was never completed ; nevertheless his son, Henry Babbage, completed a simplified version of the analytical engine's computing unit (the mill) in 1888. He gave a successful demonstration of its use in computing tables in 1906. This machine was given to the Science museum in South Kensington in 1910.The first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). Originally, they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs). Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, and mobile computers can be powered by smallbatteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "computers". However, the embedded computers found in many devices from mp3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous. When were the first electronic computers developed? *
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