AIGA Maine Open Call for Volunteers
We’re excited to offer volunteer opportunities to support AIGA Maine! Whether you’re passionate about the creative community or just looking to give back, we’d love to have you on board.

A few more details: 
  • We are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to assist with AIGA Maine programming and events.
  • Volunteer roles are flexible, and you’ll have the chance to collaborate with a fun, hardworking team.
  • We're especially looking for help with event planning, fundraising/sponsorships, logistics, and community outreach.
  • No need to be a designer—just bring a passion for creativity and a desire to support AIGA Maine’s mission.
To apply:
  • Complete this form
Next steps:
  • All application forms will be reviewed by the AIGA Maine Board
  • You will be contacted within 14 days with next steps
Thank you again for your interest! If you have questions, please email
* Required
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
City *
Current Employer/Business *
Job Title
Are you currently an AIGA member? *
Identify your area(s) of interest: *
Please share a short description (100–200 words) on why you would like to serve as an AIGA Maine volunteer. Include any relevant experience that may help us assess your ability and interest in joining our team. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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