Urban Tree Planting Location Survey - English
Help us green the urban environment by providing your input in the Urban Tree Planting Location Survey. Your participation will make a real difference!
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1. Urban trees can significantly reduce energy costs by providing shade and cooling, which can lower air conditioning needs by up to 30%. The following neighborhoods in Richmond currently suffer from a severe lack of canopy, making them the most vulnerable to heat and its associated impacts. Do you live or work in either of these locations? If yes, which one among the red, blue, and green is more of a priority for you?

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2. If you’re familiar with these locations, which streets specifically within the map do you think could use more trees? Why?


3. These selected locations not only lack canopy, but are also in some of the most socially vulnerable communities in the city. What is the racial or ethnic group do you identify with?



4. Native tree species make excellent street trees due to their adaptability to local conditions and lower maintenance requirements. Which tree species do you want to see planted in your neighborhood? Why?


5. Tree species like silver maples or certain fruit trees are generally unsuitable as street trees due to their aggressive root systems which can damage sidewalks and due to their tendency to drop large amounts of debris. Which tree species do you NOT want to see planted in your neighborhood? Why?

6. Would you be interested in participating in a community tree planting event this Fall (which will include free food, refreshments and fun activities for kids)? If yes, please provide us with your name, phone number, and email so we can keep you updated. 

7. Please leave any further comments or suggestions you have regarding this planting plan.

 Reminder: You can always opt out of receiving a street tree. If you do not want a tree in front of your house, please leave your address and the reason why you do not want a tree near your house.

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