Please fill out the questionnaire down below in order to make order for ebook cover design. We will contact you within 24 hours. 
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1. Expected feel of the design of the book cover:
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2. Preferred colors:
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3. What we should avoid in the design (eg some colors, pictures of people's faces, etc.)?
4. The target audience:
Мой ответ

5. Text information on the front side of the cover (eg: name, book title, description, website, etc.):
6. Suggestions for the graphic part of the front side of the cover (such as photos, illustrations on the subject of the book) - optional
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7. Please give us a links for examples of book covers or images that you like:
8. Is this book a part of a series?
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9. Brief Description of the Book:
10.  Please indicate your email 
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