2023 Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon Vendor Application
At the Blue Ridge Marathon we focus on quality over quantity. We connect with our runners on an intimate level, which is an unattainable opportunity for larger races. This dedication to the runner experience is why we have received thousands of five star reviews on race review sites and social media and were voted “Best Running Event” by readers of Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine four times in a row!

Space is limited at both events, and vendor booths are awarded on a first come first served basis, so long as they support an athletic lifestyle.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2023
Expo Date: April 21 2023, 2-8pm at Elmwood Park*
Finish Festival Date: April 22, 2023, 8am-3:30pm at Elmwood Park
Sunday Slow K Recovery Event: April 23, 2023, 9am-12pm at River's Edge Park

*Rain back up at Berglund Center.
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Booth Pricing; 3:00pm-8:00pm (soft opening at 2:00pm). Load in on Friday from 8am-1 pm. *
What time do you plan to load-in? *
Friday Expo Load-in windows: 8am to 12pm on Friday; Saturday Finish Festival Load-in: 6am to 8am
Important Notes:
EQUIPMENT: No tents, tables or chairs are provided at the finish festival, please provide your own 10x10 pop-up. The entire event is outdoors at Elmwood Park.

ELECTRICITY & WATER: All vendors at the finish festival will have access to electrical outlets and water hook-ups. Please mention in the notes below if you need anything specific. All vendors will be responsible for providing their own extension cord, surge protectors and hoses (if needed). No water or electricity hook-ups at the Sunday Slow K. 

All exhibitors must provide a Certificate of Insurance and list “Roanoke Outside” as an additional insured on your policy. Roanoke Outside: 111 Franklin Plaza, Suite 333. Roanoke, VA 24011.

Booth Locations, Expo Maps, Parking, and Day of Contact information will be sent to vendors no later than April 14, 2023.

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