Affordable Learning PA (ALPA) - Campus Partner Survey
Are you interested in becoming an Affordable Learning PA (ALPA) Campus Partner or continuing to serve as an ALPA Campus Partner? If so, please fill out this form. ALPA is recruiting new Campus Partners for all Pennsylvania colleges and universities. ALPA is also asking current Campus Partners to indicate their willingness to continue in this role.  If you are the current Campus Partner but can no longer continue in this role, please encourage a colleague who is interested in representing your institution to complete this form.

Campus Partners are individuals working at institutions of higher education in Pennsylvania, that want to advocate for textbook affordability on their campuses. Campus Partners act as a campus liaison to the ALPA project, and are responsible for promoting the use and creation of open textbooks, OER, open education strategies and other textbook affordability measures to their local campus community. More than one individual on any campus may volunteer as a Campus Partner, and having at least one active Campus Partner is the primary means of institutional engagement with the ALPA program.

Campus Partners agree to:
- Receive announcements, updates, and calls for participation via the Campus Partners mailing list, and share details as appropriate with colleagues at your home institution
- Participate in ALPA training, programs and strategy meetings (in-person & virtually)
- Advocate for and support OER and other affordable learning initiatives to students, faculty, librarians and staff at your campus

Your participation in ALPA will enable us to continue the important work we have accomplished to promote and advocate for textbook affordability and open education in Pennsylvania. Before you continue, please review the ALPA Governance Document that identifies the roles and responsibilities of these positions.

Please review this entire form before filling it out.

ALPA Steering Committee

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First Name *
Last Name *
Institutional Email Address *
Job Title *
Institution Name *
Statement of Interest *
Tell us about yourself! Briefly describe why you're interested in this role.
Are you able to perform the duties of the Campus Partner as described in the Campus Partner description with support of your library administration? *
ALPA is preparing a directory of contacts at participating institutions for our website. May we publish your information? *
ALPA uses Google Groups to manage our Campus Partners list. If you have a personal Gmail account you would like to use, please share it here:
Thank You!
Thank you for submitting your application to serve as a Campus Partner. A member of the Steering Committee will respond to your application.
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