預約參訪鄭南榕紀念館/  Reservation Request for Visiting Nylon Cheng Memorial Museum

若您現在或預計3天內來訪,請於鄭南榕基金會上班時間(週二~週六)直接聯絡,電話 02-2546-8766。連絡確認後,仍須請您完成以下表單填寫。謝謝!


鄭南榕基金會敬上 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​  告日:2025/03/04

Dear guests, 

Thanks for your visit.

Nylon Cheng Memorial Museum is only open to the public on Saturdays. To prevent visitors from making a futile trip, we operate on a reservation system. If you plan to visit us now or within the next 3 days, please contact us directly during office hours (Tuesday to Saturday) by calling 02-2546-8766. After confirming by phone call, please complete this form as well.  Thank you!

1. If you are visiting on a Saturday, please call us in advance. If you've arrived, please ring the bell for confirmation. 

2. We also offer an online guided tour website. You are welcome to visit.

Click this link ⇢ https://vr360.nhrm.gov.tw/NylonMemorialMuseum/

Nylon Cheng Liberty Foundation                 Announcement Date: 2025/03/04



鄭南榕紀念館 (以下稱本館)  位於鄭南榕所創辦的自由時代雜誌社原址,開放紀念館參訪,是鄭南榕基金會重視的工作。透過溝通和交流,回應參訪者的提問和疑惑,進而得到啟發,從中獲得力量,這是台灣民主深化、推動人權教育和守護台灣民主自由重要的基石。



信箱:services@nylon.org.tw       電話:02-2546-8766

鄭南榕基金會 敬上      2025/03/04 更新


Welcome to visit Nylon Cheng Memorial Museum! 

Nylon Cheng Memorial Museum is located at the original site of the Freedom Era Weekly magazine founded by Nylon Cheng.This is an important cornerstone for deepening Taiwan's democracy, promoting human rights education, and safeguarding the democracy and freedom of Taiwan. 

We currently provide a "reservation-only" basis. Individuals or groups wishing to visit are requested to complete the registration form below. After completing the form, we will respond within 1-3 business days. Your reservation will only be considered confirmed once you receive a reply from the Foundation. If you do not receive a response, please contact us.

To allow sufficient time for our response, we suggest visitor(s) filling out this reservation form at least 3 days in advance. Thank you for your cooperation. 

If you have not received a reply from us, please contact us by phone or email.

Email: services@nylon.org.tw       Phone: +886-2-2546-8766 

Nylon Cheng Liberty Foundation. Memorial Museum     Updated on 2025/03/04

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電子信箱/Email *
個資蒐集說明/ Personal Data Colletion

個人資料類別:(C001) 辨識個人者:聯絡人名稱、電話號碼、電子郵件。



"The Visit Reservation" Personal Data Collection Notice

To safeguard your rights, please carefully read the following information:

Purpose of Collection: To process your online application for visit reservation. 

Types of Personal Data Collected:

  • (C001) Personal Identifiers: Contact person’s name, phone number, email address.

Duration, Region, Recipient, and Method of Data Use:

  1. Duration: Until the user requests cessation of use or until the museum ceases to provide the service.
  2. Region: Within Taiwan.
  3. Recipient: The Museum.
  4. Method: The Museum will collect, process, and use your personal data in digital or physical paper form.

If you do not provide the above personal data, you will be unable to participate in this activity.

預計參訪日期?/ Please provide your expected visit date. *
本館目前開放時間為:每週六,10:00-17:00。(請以基金會回信和臉書共告為準)/Currently visiting hours are: on Saturdays, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. (Please check the confirmation email from us, and announcements on our Facebook Page in advance.)
Please specify your estimated arrival time. ( Our Opening Hours 10:00~17:00)
您所預計預約時段,本館未必開放。請留下兩個候補參訪日期及時間。若無,請填寫"沒有"。謝謝您的配合。/ The time slot you've selected for reservation may not be available. Please provide two alternative visit dates and times. If you do not have alternatives, please indicate "None." Thank you for your cooperation. *
當天參訪聯絡人姓名/ Contact person’s name on the visit day. *
當天參訪聯絡人手機/ Contact person’s mobile number on the visit day. *
參訪人數/ Number of Participants *
參訪者身份?/  Visitor's Background *
您從哪個管道認識我們?/ How did you hear about us?
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其他管道(歡迎填寫)/ Other approaches (please feel free to fill in)
參訪原因/  Reason for Visit: *
是否有團體導覽需求?/ Do you need a guided tour
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