Pas De Deux, in the time of quarantine release form
Please complete this short form if you wish to participate in the Pas De Deux, in the time of quarantine project. It is the artist's intention this remains a not-for-profit art project.

Pas De Deux, in the time of quarantine, is seeking dancers, choreographers, and performers to create a video of up to 1 minute in length, performed wherever they are quarantined. Selected videos will be paired, and stills from those chosen videos will be transformed into visual artworks to be exhibited at Vision Gallery in Chandler, AZ. in August 2020.

Full Name *
Email Address *
Title of your video, if any
Do you agree to allow minor edits to the video submitted for display and promotional purposes? *
Do you agree to display your video in this and any future exhibitions and for the exhibit(s)'s promotional purposes? Please note you will be credited as a participant/contributor and may request to be removed from the exhibition in the future. *
While the rights of the submitted video belong to the participants, do you understand the rights for the final visual artwork inspired by the submission belongs solely to the artist Sapira Cheuk? *
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