FreshMinistries' Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Program Interest Form
Welcome to FreshMinistries!

FreshMinistries' Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Program is an excellent option for adults (ages 18+) who need help with their mental health, addiction, trauma and co-occurring conditions but are unable to stop working or attending school to get it. Our individual and group therapy sessions are led by master's level licensed therapists and provides a safe space to explore solutions in a confidential setting.

FreshMinistries also offers our same comprehensive outpatient treatment in a convenient, flexible format that allows people to get the help they need without leaving home. The setting may be a little different, but we address everything our in-person outpatient programs do.

Why Go Virtual?
- You're looking for a safe space to heal
- You can't travel for treatment
- You just want the convenience of a virtual option

Whatever the reason, we have you covered! All therapy sessions are provided 100% free and no insurance information is collected.

Getting Started
- Free Screening - We start with a thorough screening to determine if virtual or in-person outpatient treatment is the right fit for you.
- Admissions & Curriculum - We will guide you through the admissions process and if virtual, you will receive the curriculum and materials digitally.
- Technology Assistance - If virtual, we will make sure you're comfortable with the technology you'll use for your daily treatment sessions. That way, once treatment starts, you're free to focus on the process, not your computer.

Contact us today to begin the healing process. By completing the below application, you are providing FreshMinistries permission to contact you regarding next steps. You can also contact our admissions office at 904-854-6770, ext. 1 for additional support.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Subject of Inquiry *
Who is this for? *
Have you had treatment before? *
If seeking admission, what is your timeframe? *
Which treatment option are you most interested in? *
Are you currently working with a clinical professional? *
How did you hear about us? *
Preferred method of contact (check all that apply): *
Additional Comments
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