Registration  for RiverCon24: May 10-12, 2024
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Name in CAPITAL as required on Certificate (and ID, if student) *
Email *
Your Home town (Give name of city and State) *
Your Status
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If Student
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Official  Position and Address (for other than students)  
Phone Number
Are you submitting paper
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 if presenting paper, give the title, otherwise write NO
Registration Fee: If  you have attending  the conference and need the Certificate you  may register as RWUA member/Attendee or Presenter
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Are you presenting paper or not [for presenter Submission  of ABSTRACT is necessary
A 200-300 words abstract may be submitted at
with, Title, Name of authors, designation, email
If submitting full paper  for publishing in proceedings, it may be submitted by May 08,2024.]
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Please submit your Membership Fee through PayTM, Google Pay, NEFT Etc,.to  "Institute of Rural Development and Research"  saving A/c 70020100003553, Bank of Baroda, Beli Road Allahabad; IFSC ; BARB0VJBELI (fifth character is zero);

Mention  below the [1] Amount; [2]Transaction Reference Number;[3]Date of Transaction

[4] Topic of presentation ,section and Group number  

[5]  Your RWUA membership number  (If  received)

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