Client Inquiry Form: Aubree Henderson Coaching
Hi! I'm Aubree Henderson, and I offer individual coaching on self-confidence, boundary-setting & communication, sexuality & intimacy, and all things self-love. I practice as a Certified Life Coach and hold a Masters degree in Counseling & Human Development. You can learn more about me & my services at

Please answer the following questions if you are interested in working with me as a client! This form does not obligate you to move forward with coaching, but it will help us both to identify whether working together will be a good fit! Any questions that aren't addressed in this form can be directed to
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name (first & last) & pronouns, please. *
best email to reach you: *
best phone # to reach you: *
while I do have masters-level training in counseling, I practice as a certified life coach - *not* as a licensed therapist. while therapy and coaching do offer some similar benefits (a confidential container to discuss your growth, a trained human to help you process and work through challenges safely, etc.), coaching is focused on goal-setting, growth, and accountability. as a coach I am not able to provide treatment for mental health diagnoses or trauma. *
my rate for individual services is $150 for each 50-minute coaching session. I see some clients weekly, some clients every other week, and some clients once per month. we would discuss the session frequency that would work best for you based on your goals & budget. are these rates feasible for you? *
how did you learn about my services? *
if you learned about me from a human, please tell me who they are so I can say thanks!
which topics are you looking for support with? (choose at least one... but check all that apply.) *
tell me a bit more about you & your goals - what are you looking for support with? what are you hoping to get out of coaching? *
anything else you'd like me to know about you?
what questions do you have for me? (ask me anything.)
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