Guest registration form
Use this form form to register guest(s) for OEC BODO 2024. 

If you are a team member or a coach, please use the "Detailed Team Registration form OEC BODO 2024

A guest is a person that wants all meals and full access to all venues. 

In this form you can chose to register as one individual or as a group of guests. 

- Price per guest: 2600 NOK. 
- The registration fee is payable by Pay Pal only.
- After you have registered the number of guests, proceed to our webpage here: Add the exact number of guests you wish to pay for and proceed to check out. 

All guests and visitors must wear a wristband. 
- These wristbands will be handed out at the check-in counter located on the 2nd floor at Radisson BLU. 
- Check-in is open Monday May 13th 14:00- 16:00 and Tuesday 14th from 08:00. 
- The wristband must be worn at all times, as this is the “event ticket” to the venues and/or lunches and dinners.

If you are a visitor to the event and only needs access to the venues with no meals, a separate "Visitor registration form" will be available on our website mid-April. 

Kind Regards
FIRST Scandinavia

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