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Regatta Volunteer Form
We welcome your help! Please complete this form to volunteer for the 2023 North Carolina Rowing Championships on April 15.
* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Your answer
Past regatta/event experience (if any)
Your answer
FRIDAY, APRIL 14: We need folks to assist with loading and unloading items from the erg room to Festival Park, and setting up banners, tables, etc. What time can you volunteer?
Any time
9am - 12pm
12pm - 3pm
3pm - 6pm
All day!
Not available Friday
SATURDAY, APRIL 15: we have lots of needs throughout Festival Park. What time can you work?
Any time
6:30am - 9:30am
9:30am - 12:30pm
12:30pm - 4:30pm
All day!
Not available Saturday
Please indicate all areas of interest:
Event set up (Friday) - banners, loading/unloading, etc.
Rent & drive UHAUL truck to transport race equipment (club will reimburse)
Gatekeeper Friday - direct teams where to park trailers (3pm - 6pm)
Gatekeeper Saturday - control traffic flow at upper gate into the venue (handicap parking etc)
Duck Squad
Parking (6:00am - 9am)
Parking (9am - 11am)
Dock assistance
Race Timing
Launch driver (must have experience)
First Aid (with medical qualification)
First Aid (no medial qualification)
Boat check
Apparel Sales
VIP Lounge Saturday morning Set up
Awards (sorting medals into envelopes)
Team Liaison
Race course break down (Saturday)
Anywhere needed
Media Relations
Social Media
Environmental Control
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