CYLC -De Anza CBO Intake form

The California Youth Leadership Corps (CYLC) is a statewide partnership created to prepare the next generation of young people from marginalized communities to become community organizers and change agents in their local communities while earning a college credential at a community college. Participants earn a living wage participating in community-building internships at local social justice nonprofits, while pursuing a certificate through a learn-and earn community change career pathway program. 

While enrolled, students receive robust academic, and social-emotional supports; career advising; and leadership development and mentoring to help them succeed. De Anza College is one of five California pilot sites launching learn-and-earn community change career pathway programs.

For the past 14 years, De Anza College’s Certificate in Leadership and Social Change has prepared students to pursue a career working in the nonprofit sector and/or to transfer to a four-year degree. Graduates have gone on to be significant community leaders in the Silicon Valley. Through the new collaboration with CYLC, De Anza is able to recruit students who were not already in college and provide them with a transformational experience. 

CYLC at De Anza is currently looking for community partners to host our students for the '24-'25 school year. Host Organizations/Community Partners will receive $8,000 per student per academic year ( $2,666.66 for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters) to host, guide and mentor CYLC student fellows. Organizations can receive a maximum of $32,000 annually for hosting up to 4 student fellows.  - Sites must be official 501(c)(3) organizations focused on helping promote equity and social justice.

Expectation for the site supervisors are to: 

  • Check-in with mentee(s) at least once a week.
  • Provide 10 hours per week of meaningful work. 

  • Provide support, and guidance.

  • Fill out an evaluation at the end of each quarter.

  • Maintain contact with CYLC staff regarding any difficulties that may arise. 

  • Internal Interns-  These are students who are already working with your organization and will fulfill the hour requirement through you.
  • External Interns - These are students who have not worked at your organization and are looking for a place to fulfill the hour requirements. 

Full name of contact person at organization
Email *
Organization name and mission *
Organization website
How many internal interns can you accommodate, if any? 
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How many external interns can you accommodate, if any? 
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What are examples of the type of work interns will be engaged in?
What type of internship options are available (online, in-person, or hybrid)? - Please let us know if you won't be able to accommodate any kind of online participation or if there is any hard in person requirements?
Are there any time restrictions? For instance, some sites may only be able to accommodate interns during normal operational hours (e.g., Monday to Friday, 9-5), while others offer flexibility for evenings and weekends.
What are the internship outcomes interns can expect to achieve at your site?
Are there any specific qualifications or skills you are looking for in prospective interns, if applicable?
Are there any specific processes or requirements for onboarding on your end, if applicable. For example, if background checks or formal interviews are necessary before students can begin work or if an email introduction followed by a meeting between the candidate and the site is sufficient to determine suitability.
Please share and questions or concerns
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