SOA New Member 24-25 Waitlist
We are thrilled that you'd like to join our homeschool co-op family! Our co-op membership is currently closed for the 23-24 school year. We do however have a Waitlist for the 24-25 homeschool year. If you'd like to be among the first contacted when registration reopens in May, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our director at any time: Meg Hykes at
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General Info
Let's get started with a little general information first.
Name (Mom) *
Address *
Phone Number *
Email *
How did you hear about Strong Oaks Academy? *
Are you friends/related to any current members of SOA? *
What expectations do you have for a homeschool co-op and the classes they provide? *
Tell Us About Your Homeschool
We all homeschool differently, we'd love to get to know your homeschool style!
How long have you been homeschooling?  *
What is working in your homeschool?  *
What would you say your "style" of homeschooling is? *
Let's Get to Know Your Kiddos
Our kids are the reason we do what we do! Tell us a bit about them.
Which of your kiddos will be attending Strong Oaks Academy?
Name, age, grade they will be entering for the 23-24 school year
*Oldest student must be entering at least 1st grade.
Are your kids significantly ahead of or behind their age/peers in any area?
Are there any behaviors/learning challenges?
Has your family ever been asked to leave a homeschool co-op in the past? If so, please explain.
Time to Talk About Yourself
We are not just a homeschool co-op, we're a ministry to the homeschool mama too! We want to hear about you too.
What is your marital status? 
Would you say you are a born again Christian?
Do you regularly attend church? 
Tell us about it: Which church? Are you a member? 
Do you serve anywhere within your church?
Have you attended any other co-ops? 
If so, what worked well for your family and what didn’t?
What is your primary reason for joining a homeschool co-op? 
What are your expectations in a homeschool co-op board?
What are your expectations in a homeschool co-op teacher?
Are you able/willing to devote a day to a homeschool co-op and still keep up with what needs to be done at home? *
Are you able to commit to being at co-op on time every week?
What do you think you can add to the co-op?  *
What age group are you most interested in working with?  (Each Mom is required to teach one class and assist in 1-2 classes) *
Now a Little About Strong Oaks Academy
Now that we've gotten to know you a bit, it's time we share what's most important to SOA.

The mission of this homeschool co-op is to provide affordable, quality, fun-filled academic classes to children while encouraging homeschool Moms in the Christian homeschool community.



Please take notice of our statement of faith. We ask that all of our members personally agree and adhere to the following:

We believe that our foremost asset in our educational effort is Christ. We believe that the Godhead exists eternally in three persons – Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit – and that these three are one God. We believe the Bible is God's only infallible, inspired Word God. We believe that God has created man in His image, male and female, and has made salvation possible for sinful man by faith alone in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son. We believe marriage is a covenantal union between a man and a woman, which is God-ordained, and publicly declared. We believe we are born either male or female as God ordained.



•To glorify God in all we do. 1 Corinthians 10:31 states, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
•To promote a Biblical worldview.
•To provide Biblically consistent academic support in a Christian environment.
•To raise lifelong learners.
•To challenge children academically, physically, and spiritually.
•To instill a joy of learning in children.
•To encourage the homeschooling experience. Hebrews 10:24, “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
•To provide fellowship and friendships for the children and parents.


We are striving to raise lifelong learners. Therefore, we want to emphasize the “learning process over the product.” We want the children to be allowed to create, evaluate, experiment, make choices, and take risks.

Our younger grades (K-4th) do not have any homework. At this age, we seek to make co-op a fun place to come meet new friends and learn new things.

As students enter 5th grade we begin to offer a mix of classes. Some with homework and some without. As always, our class descriptions should make you aware of the requirements for each class. This allows you to choose the best fit for your family.

By 7th grade, almost all classes are graded and will require homework.

Our high school classes are all graded and have higher homework expectations to help you provide an adequate transcript for your students as they approach college. Most of our high school classes are able to count as a “credit” for your student’s diploma.



 Please have the director, Meg Hykes, contact me in May via:



Once you click "submit" our Director, Meg Hykes, will be in contact with you. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out to her via email:

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