Beanie Paints Foundation Scholarship Application


 Below is The Beanie Paints Foundation scholarship application form. If your student is selected, the event auction must be held within one year of being a selected nominee. The Nominator must arrange, hold and promote the auction for the selected student. The student will receive up to 75% of the auction proceeds to assist with educational expenses.  Opening bid is requested to be no less than $1000.00. 

Applications will be reviewed twice a year: Spring and Summer.  March 26th and July 28th each year. 

 The required qualifications are as follows:

 1.) 12th grade student currently enrolled in high school.

 2.) Minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average.

3.) Minimum of one volunteer activity in community service over the past two years. Letter of verification must be provided from each community service.

 4.) Write and submit a 1000–2000-word essay about Black Visual Arts and highlight an artist and how this scholarship will benefit you and why you should be selected.

5.) Provide a school faculty member recommendation.

 6.) Submit an official sealed transcript.

7.) Letter of acceptance to a University, College or trade school with an expected start date. 

8.) Entrants must be a legal resident of the United States. (Please provide proof)

The applications MUST be completed entirely with all documents in order to be accepted.  Please email all requirements to, Beanie Paints Foundation.


Funds will not be released until verification of acceptance and enrollment into a college/technical educational program is provided and the auction funds have been established from the painting. Funds will be released to the school and not the student. 

The Beanie Paints Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization established in 2022.

 Our Mission: 

To creatively empower individuals of all ages by unlocking an individual’s hidden potential, overcoming barriers, and providing a creative way to express their feelings and thoughts by exploring visual arts and providing a platform for education.

Please visit our website at for additional information on the foundation. Feel free to contact the foundation via email with any questions.


Phone: 412-727-0356

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


The Beanie Paints Foundation

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Email *
Student sponsor *
Student Sponsor Email *
Student Sponsor Phone Number *
Student Applicant Name *
Student Applicant Email *
Student Applicant Phone *
Parent/ Guardian Contact Info *
High school name and address: 

Guidance counselor name & contact info

Cumulative grade point average: 
Extracurricular activities
Volunteer programs names, addresses and telephone numbers
University or college planning to attend.
Write and submit a 1000–2000-word essay about Black Visual Arts and highlight an artist, how this scholarship will benefit your education. Lastly, why you should be selected.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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