An INDO CANADIAN community for small businesses and startups.
We are an INDO CANADIAN community of small businesses and startups to facilitate opportunities and business information from India to Canada and vice versa in order to empower and scale their businesses in both the countries. We are a sole platform to connect people with each other because we believe that everything starts by connecting people together. We also consult and handhold small businesses and startups to launch/expand into the Indian/North American markets by connecting them to service providers/stakeholders.

The survey below will help us understand how better we can serve our new members wanting to be a part of our community.

Do take 5 mins out and fill out the survey which will help us immensely.

Thanks in advance.

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1. Do you have a small business/startup or a business idea at the moment? *
2. What is your product/service category?
3. From when are you in business?
4. What is your geographical area of operations - Country and region please?
5. Do you have an office space/store or operate from home?
6. Who are your 3 best clients and why?
7. What are the 3 milestones you have reached from the time you started your business?
8. Have you thought about expanding your market outside your current area of operations?
9. Are you part of any business communities to foster business growth with like minded individuals?
10. What are the business challenges you wish to overcome in 2023?
Your name please *
Your whatsapp/phone number *
Your email id *
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