Bexley Parade/Run/Walk Application
The Bexley parade/run/walk application allows an organization to apply for a parade, run, or walk event in the City of Bexley. City of Bexley policy allows for a total of 12 events per year. Priority will be given to recurring events that have occurred in the prior year. If there are more applications than available permits, applicants will be entered into a lottery system.

Any event that results in the closure of Parkview Ave. in front of Jeffrey Mansion requires applicant to book the facility through the Bexley Recreation and Parks Department for the duration of the event. Applicant must provide the permit number and get a signature from a Recreation and Parks administrative staff representative.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Applicant Name
Name of Event
Event Date
Estimated Number of Participants
Number of Volunteers Working
Starting Location
Ending Location
Time event will form
Time event will move
Time event will end
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