Design Engineer Screening  
Email *
What is your mobile number? *
Can you join immediately?
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What is your Name? *
What Is your Age? *
What is your current monthly CTC? *
What is your expected monthly CTC?
Maritial Status
Which city do you currently live in?
Languages Known *
Only Speak
Only Read & Write
Read, Write & Speak
Fluent (Good Command)
How many years of total work experience do you have?
Current Organization Name
(For Freshers - Mention 'Fresher')
Current Designation
Have you completed any tool design certification course or Diploma in Tool design?
 Do you have knowledge of design 3D software ?
Which 3D software you have used ?
Do you have any Design experience for progressive die(Press Tool)  
Do you have any experience in designing High speed lamination stamping dies?
Proficiency in AutoCAD 2D
Do you have knowledge about  Fixture & Gauges design?
Proficiency in Microsoft excel?
Do you have knowledge about GD&T?
Do you have experience of handling measuring instruments?
Which type of instruments you have handled?
Write a short summary of some good design work you have done. *
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