Eisleben Breaker Rock Beach VBS 2024 (July 28th - 30th)
Registration Form
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Email *
Registration for a child, youth worker, or adult worker? *
Name (To fill out one form per family, list all children's names) *
Age (List all children's DOB in order of names listed above) *
Gender (In order listed above) *
Birthdate(s) (In order listed above) *
Grade Completed in May 2024 (In order listed above)
If not in Pre-K yet, just put N/A
Home address *
Name of a special friend your child might light to be with:
Legal Parent/Guardian 1 - Name, Address (if different from above) Email and Phone Number *
Legal Parent/Guardian 2 - Name, Address (if different from above), Email and Phone number
Location where a parent/legal guardian expects to be during the hours of VBS. *
Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number DURING VBS *
2nd Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number DURING VBS *
It is expected that only the parent or guardian listed above check in and check out with each child's leader face to face. Only legal guardians listed above will have pick-up & drop-off permission unless specified in writing. Does your child have permission to travel to and from VBS on bike or foot? *
Name of church you currently attend
How did you hear about our VBS
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Does Eisleben Lutheran Church have permission to use your child's photograph publicly? Images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me, by reason of such use. *
In case of emergency, attempts will be made to contact the registered parent/guardians by the VBS leadership. While your student attends VBS parents/guardians MUST be accessible at one of the phone numbers that have been listed. A call to 911 will be made in case of emergency. *
Doctor's Name (If a child has a different doctor from the other children, list their name and doctor separately) *
Doctor's Phone Number *
Dentist's Name  (If a child has a different dentist from the other children, list their name and doctor separately) *
Dentist's Phone Number *
To assist us in keeping your child safe and healthy, please list the students special needs, medical conditions, medications being taken or other helpful considerations.
(For families with multiple children, list the child's name along with anything we need to know.)
Allergies and Food Restrictions - if none, type none
(For families with multiple children, list the child's name along with anything we need to know.)
Hospital Preference *
Participant Behavior Expectations: Our main objective for VBS is to share God's love! In order to provide a safe environment for your student and others, we have the following rules:· Show respect for others· Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself· Be a good listener· Follow directions the first time they are given. *
Discipline Policy: Disruptive and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. If there is a problem, the student will be removed from the activity, placed in a time-out area, until they can resume activity without disruption or aggressive behavior. The parent/guardian of the student will be notified at the end of the day’s VBS session unless the student is unable to gain self-control in which case we will call listed parents/guardians to pick up the student. *
Permission & Consent Authorization: I understand and agree to the use of the behavior expectations and discipline policy listed above. I will state the expectations to my student prior to participating and support it. I give my consent for the use of basic first aide by our staff/volunteers in case of minor injury and permission to seek additional emergency medical treatment in my absence. I understand that in such case reasonable attempts would first be made to contact me, time and conditions permitting and that I am responsible for all costs incurred for his/her injury and treatment. *
Parents Name/Date to serve as signature. *
If registering as a youth/adult worker what would you like to help with?
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